4. Paradise City

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The one you stood in front of, was no different. A beautifully decorated plate showcasing the name of the room's owner, Nikola Tesla. However unlike any of the other doors, this one was different. Instead of the classic white door with an intricately detailed golden handle, this door was customized heavily.

It was a circular sliding metal door, made of titanium like metal. Along the sides of the door you could still see soldering marks outlining the places that connected the metal, showing off the handwork put into it. Sitting right where the doorknob usually should be, was a keypad unlocking the door. With a closer inspection, you could see some sort of lens attached to the front of the keypad, most likely to act as some sort of home security system.

It was obvious the person who designed it created the door for function, rather than style. Though you did appreciate the futuristic vibe it gave off.

Just as you were appreciating the door, another round bang came from the room, reminding you of your purpose.

You brought your fist up to knock on the door, hovering before you could make contact with metal, the door slider opened automatically.

"Uh...." You mumbled, standing there with your fist still in the air like an idiot. "What the fuck."

Looking around the room, you immediately noticed the size of it. It was almost double the size of your room- Hell, it was probably more than double. Despite this immense size, by some miracle of god the owner of this room managed to cover almost every square inch with sheets of paper and sprawled out books.

You looked down at a piece of paper sitting right in front of your feet, picking it up gingerly, you could see all of the work that was written on the paper. The handwriting was almost incomprehensible, but you could work out a complex math equation littered the sheet. You tried to viper it further, but the work was so intricate that if you tried to comprehend the work your brain might just explode.

Decorating the walls of the room was a long chalk board, filled to the brim with equations as far as the eye could see. It felt like the embodiment of a math textbook, except thousands of times more complex. Your eyes were wide with wonder as you stood in wonder of this new mathematical world

Just as you were admiring the room, something whizzed by your head. Quickly, your view followed the object in shock. The object pierced itself right on your shoulder, and there you could finally get a good view of what it was. Some kind of bird was sitting on you, only it wasn't a bird. At least, not a bird found in nature.

Its frame resembled that of a dove, but its exterior was built of metal and titanium. The wings flapped like it was about to glide through the sky, but the soft sound of a motor could be heard buzzing softly from its body. It was everything that a bird was, except for being an actual bird.

The robotic dove softly pecked your head repeatedly, and you just let it. Your shock was too great to do anything other than stare at the machine.

"Dane, quit it." A strong voice called out. The voice wasn't strong in a commanding or stern way, but held a sense of compassion and softness. "Don't bother the poor girl."

The bird that was sitting on your shoulder quickly flew up, and landed on the shoulder of a man sitting on the ground in the corner. From the back you could tell he was tall and had decent muscle mass, but paled in comparison to the red head you met last night.

You didn't even notice him at first, too caught up in the insanity of the room to see the boy. His body was turned the opposite way to you, hovering over a small object that he seemed to be tinkering with.

As soon as the bird landed on his shoulder, he turned his head to face you. A welding mask covered his face as he looked at you, obstructing your view from seeing his face in return. He looked at you in silence for a few seconds, awkwardly you shifted in place, feeling nervous about his gaze. Then, he turned around and went back to work on his object.

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