Chapter Fourteen: Bad Boys vs. Good Boys

Start from the beginning

On the bench, Makenna wrapped her arms around her body, and she peered into the orange, sun-setting sky. She thought about Tracey, Merlin's Island, and the Octopus Man. Had it all been merely a dream, or did it really happen? Did Makenna really travel to a weird island, meet a ninja-like fairy, and a wizard losing control of his powers? She was contemplating this. She wasn't sure. Although, it was strange. Makenna felt really lonely on the bench. She felt like she was missing somebody. Makenna sighed. Then, standing up, she crept around the bench and headed toward the backdoor of her house. As she walked, she tried her best to murder the feeling of loneliness she felt in her right now. Currently, she felt like a terrible friend.

Makenna soon reached the backdoor, and gulping, she lifted her hand and turned the knob. Slowly, she swung open the door and peered inside. These were the first words she heard.
They were spoken by her mother. "What?!" she screeched from the living room, "Makenna is a fairy?!"
Makenna's skin prickled, and clenching her fist, she whispered, "Shut up, Caleb!" and tiptoed toward the staircase, trying her best to stay out of sight.
"It's true!" she heard Caleb arguing from the living room, "Makenna is a Metamorphic Fairy, the rarest type of fairy in the entire world, and for the past day and a half, I was held captive on Merlin's Island, a mysterious island sitting in the Atlantic that only a magical being can see, and Makenna came for me, as well as a ninja-like fairy named Tracey, who is also Merlin the Great's apprentice!"
"Makenna!" Michelle, Mrs. Delling, sternly called from the living room. Makenna was forced to stop at the base of the stairs, and again, her skin prickled.
Gulping, she asked, "Yes, Mom?" and turned her body toward the living room. Michelle, Andy, and Caleb were together hanging out in it; Michelle and Andy were sitting on the couch, and Caleb was standing in front of them. All eyes were on the young fairy, and she chuckled nervously. Michelle lifted her arm and stretched it across the top of the couch.
Then, with her index finger, she gestured Makenna over and said in a calm but stern voice, "Come here."
Makenna gulped. "Of course, Mom," she said, and she let go of the staircase's railing.
Then, with knees knocking together, she headed into the living room, and Michelle next pointed over to a green armchair that was resting near the couch and fireplace. "Sit down," she ordered. Makenna quickly sauntered over to the armchair and sat down, resting her arms on the armrests. Caleb turned and glanced at her, and Michelle and Andy glared at the young fairy.

Soon, Mr. Delling started the conversation.
"Makenna," he said, and putting down his newspaper, he brought his hands together and hooked his fingers together. "Tell us," he added, "What's all this talk about you being a fairy and you and Caleb going to a mysterious island?"
"Well," Makenna huffed, quickly thinking of a lie, "ya see, Dad, during the storm, Caleb and I were knocked out on the beach, and I had a crazy dream that I must've told him all about when I woke up."
"She lies!" Caleb declared, and he pointed at Makenna, "That's nowhere near what happened! I was kidnapped by the ninja-like fairy yesterday morning, and he took me to Merlin's Island, hiding me behind a waterfall known as Merlindial Falls! It was not a dream!"
"Caleb!" Makenna angrily said through clenched teeth, "Shush!"
"I'm not finished!" said Caleb, and he turned toward Michelle and Andy Delling, "Makenna popped her real wings yesterday, during the storm, and was washed up on the beaches of Merlin's Island. There, she met the ninja-like fairy who took her to Merlin's Cave, where she met Merlin the Great! Then, this morning, they came and found me! After finding me, Makenna had her first real flight, and we were forced to come back to Merlin's Cave because the ninja-like fairy was suffering from a magic overload and had to be put into a magic coma!"
"Caleb," said Makenna. She groaned, closed her eyes, and did a face palm. Her parents mimicked, and all together, they rubbed their temples.
Caleb continued the story. "Then," he said, "Merlin the Great told Makenna why she's a fairy. She's a fairy because there was one person in our family tree, only one, who was a fairy in the past, and also, Makenna has a strong heart. She is the one destined to become a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy and help Merlin the Great regain control of his powers. After Merlin gave his lecture, he teleported Makenna and me back here, and here we are!" He opened his arms. Then, again pointing at Makenna, he finished with, "The only reason why Makenna isn't a fairy right now is because Merlin has placed the Sunset Delay spell on her! The Sunset Delay spell allows a fairy to hide his/her fairy self until sunset! Then they will turn into a fairy again! The whole reason why Makenna is spelled right now is because she's been punished! At Merlin's Cave, she openly told the great wizard that she didn't care if his apprentice, the ninja-like fairy, survives the magic coma or not!"
"That's enough, Caleb!" Makenna snapped, "Just shut up! Just shut up!"
She stomped her foot, and her parents together said, "Woof!" at the end of Caleb's story.

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