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Flashback start...

After another round, Lara woke up to the sound of someone talking, so she got up to see Will pacing back and forth in front of the bedroom walls, mumbling to himself. The moonlight was coming through the window and she could see that he look distraught.

"Will?" he didn't answer or even seem to have heard her "Will" she said more forcefully. He was gesturing at nothing and running his fingers through his hair, like he was frustrated.

Lara walked over to him and she could see that his face was manic, but it was like she wasn't even here. He continued pacing back and forth, seeing something only he could see.

His words were mostly incomprehensible and she couldn't understand what he said.

"Hey, Will. Are you okay?" she asked she lightly touched his shoulder.

It all happen so fast that there was no time to react. In a second Will had her pinned up against the wall, using his entire body to hold her there, unable to move. His left arm was on her throat, his forearm pushing onto her trachea. His face was full of rage, but his eyes were unseeing, like he was looking through her. Like she was the enemy.

She tired to talk or cry out, but her throat was closing. She was able to get one arm out from under him and she started clawing at his arm and hand, trying to get free. Will pressed his arm harder onto her throat and she began to see black speckles as her airway was being crushed. She tried again to speak, only able to get our a wheezy "Will" she said before the air ran out.

In a final, desperate attempt to get him to let go, she took her fist and started hitting him as hard as she could with that little strength she had.

Punching blindly, her fist landed on the side of his head. She wasn't sure why, but that did it and Will's eyes suddenly came back to life. He saw what he was doing and stumbled back in horror as she collapsed onto the floor coughing and wheezing.

Will stared at her, then at his hands in disbelief. He dropped down next to her "Are you okay? Oh my god, Lizzy. I'm so sorry. I don't know what...Are you okay? Can you talk? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" he said, his voice breaking a bit in how sad and worried he was.

"I...I'm okay" she told him, her voice raspy and shaking.

He stared in a state of shock, repeating "I'm sorry" he said over and over again.

"Hey, Will. It's okay. Look at me, I'm okay" she said. His eyes settled on her and he became quite, still breathing hard. His face crumpled and it looked as though he may start crying "Okay, you're okay" he said "What's going on Will? Talk to me. Tell me why this happened" she sad.

Different (Five Hargreeves) (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora