Part 2

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The morning mist hung low over the Hogwarts grounds as I made my way to the castle, my mind filled with trepidation. The events of yesterday's Potions class lingered in my thoughts, and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of my stomach.

Draco Malfoy's relentless bullying had intensified, specifically targeting me for my association with Hermione. It seemed he was determined to make my life miserable, an unfortunate consequence of being a Hufflepuff and having the audacity to befriend a Gryffindor.

I longed for solace, for a reprieve from the torment that seemed to follow me wherever I went. But fate had other plans. As I walked into the Potions classroom, my heart sank as I realized I was once again destined to be Draco's partner.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. I couldn't let Draco's taunts break me. I couldn't allow his words to define my worth. I approached our assigned desk and settled in, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Draco sauntered over, a malicious glint in his eyes. "Ah, the Mudblood-loving Hufflepuff returns," he sneered, his voice laced with derision. "I hope you've had time to prepare for another delightful day of my company."

I refused to let his words penetrate my defenses. I maintained my composure, my gaze fixed on the cauldron before us. "Let's focus on the task at hand, Draco," I replied, my voice steady despite the tremor beneath the surface.

Draco scoffed, his arrogance on full display. "Oh, I intend to, Y/N," he said, emphasizing my name with a hint of disdain. "But don't think for a moment that I'll go easy on you just because we're partners."

With those words, he set the tone for the class. Draco's insults and snide remarks continued throughout the lesson, each one aimed at undermining my confidence.

As we worked on our potion, I focused on the intricate steps, determined to excel despite the challenging circumstances. Draco's presence loomed over me, a constant reminder of the animosity he harbored.

But amidst the tense atmosphere, a subtle change began to take place. Though Draco's words remained cutting, I detected a slight hesitation in his voice, a fraction of doubt that flickered in his eyes, maybe.

I couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the surface of his hostility. What drove Draco to be the person he was? Was there a glimmer of vulnerability hidden behind his icy facade?

As the class drew to a close, I cleaned up our workspace, my movements deliberate and measured. Draco watched me silently, his expression unreadable. It was in that moment, as our eyes briefly met, that I glimpsed a hint of something different—a question unanswered, a longing unspoken.

But before I could dwell on it further, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Draco swiftly gathered his belongings, his mask of superiority firmly back in place. "See you next time, Y/N," he said, his tone laced with a mixture of challenge and uncertainty.

{POV Draco}

Potions class had finally come to an end, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and frustration. Y/N, who had unwittingly become my partner, had managed to maintain her composure throughout the lesson, despite my relentless jabs.

As we filed out of the dungeon, students bustling toward the Great Hall for dinner, I found my gaze inexplicably drawn to Y/N. There she sat, alone at the Hufflepuff table, her posture slightly hunched, and her eyes fixed on her plate.

Part of me wanted to revel in her isolation, to revel in the fact that she had no one to turn to, just as she deserved for being friends with a Mudblood like Granger. But an unexpected pang of pity tugged at my conscience.

Why did she have to be so quiet, so invisible? It was as if she blended into the background effortlessly, never seeking attention or making her presence known. She was a pathetic figure, someone who didn't belong in the limelight, and frankly, no one seemed interested in being around her.

But as my eyes lingered on her, a voice in my head questioned my own judgments. Did I truly want to understand her situation? It was easy to label her as weak and insignificant.

With a sigh, I found myself replaying the events of the day in my mind, searching for answers. Y/N had withstood my insults with an unwavering resolve, refusing to let my words break her spirit. It was a strength I hadn't anticipated, and it left me feeling a strange mix of annoyance and intrigue.

As I made my way to the Slytherin table, surrounded by my housemates, I couldn't shake the internal debate raging within me. How could I despise someone so thoroughly while simultaneously finding myself drawn to their quiet resilience?

I took my seat, my mind filled with conflicting thoughts. Y/N's presence, though unassuming, had somehow managed to infiltrate my thoughts, stirring emotions. It was infuriating, to say the least.

A part of me wanted to dismiss her as inconsequential, an easy target for my disdain. As the clamor of the Great Hall surrounded me, I found myself stealing glances at Y/N, her solitude more pronounced than ever.

Unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I turned to my friends, Blaise and Pansy. "Do either of you know anything about Y/N?" I asked, my voice betraying a hint of genuine curiosity.

Blaise raised an eyebrow, his eyes following my gaze toward Y/N. "Who?" he replied, his tone tinged with confusion. "I've never heard of her. Is she even worth our attention, Draco?"

Pansy sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. "Just another insignificant mudblood, I'm sure. They're all the same, aren't they? No ambition, no talent—just a waste of space."

I shot Pansy a snide look, not willing to reveal my true thoughts. "Well, it's fascinating how someone so insignificant manages to capture even a moment of our attention," I replied, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Just curious, that's all."

Blaise shrugged indifferently, returning his focus to his plate. "If she's not important enough for anyone to know, then she's not important enough for us to care about, Draco."

My eyes narrowed, determination taking hold. I knew I couldn't rely on Blaise and Pansy for any understanding or assistance. I was on my own in unraveling who Y/N was. Frustration mingled with newfound fascination as I watched her push her untouched plate away and rise from her seat. Without a word, she slipped out of the Great Hall, disappearing into the corridors of Hogwarts.

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