" Are you gon let go of my shit " The mystery girl sharply questioned not bothering to hide her distaste for seji.

Seji's head snapped back. She couldn't believe this girl was trying to bully her out of a pair cargo pants that had plenty in stock.

Before seji could find the words to respond, she felt the cargo pants being snatched out her hand. Her mouth dropped as the girl walked away with out a second glance.

Tears welled up in Seji's eyes, she wasn't the confrontational type at all. She always found it very hard to deal with conflict.

Blinking away the tears, she mustered up the strength to walk to the other side of the store. She really wanted to go home after what just happened, but she wasn't going to let some random girl ruin her day.

Seji threw her unfinished drink in the trash can, realizing she was no longer in the mood to drink anything.

A frown sat on her face as she continued to replay what just happened.

She couldn't help but feel frustrated, she didn't understand why she let the girl snatch something out her hand and not do anything about it.

Frustration turned into disappointment. She was disappointed in herself for letting the girl treat her like that. This was an on going problem for her.

Seji wasn't raised to be an aggressive person, she barely even raised her voice. She truly didn't think she had in it herself to even come at someone like that.

Conflict was always an issue for her, she would automatically freeze up when she was faced with conflict. She had no idea how to really defend or stand up for herself.

Snapping out the heavy thoughts that weighed on her mind, she grabbed a few workout sets that caught her eye.

Seji walked to the dressing room, relief filled her body as she realized all the rooms was empty.

She couldn't help but get distracted at the big mirror outside of all the dressing rooms.

Sliding into the small room , she locked it and started pulling off her sweater to try on the workout set.

Looking over her body, she couldn't help feel sadness take over her as the big purple bruises resided on her skin.

She wanted to break down remembering the events that happened. She cringed knowing that Chase actually put his hands on her bruising her skin. Seji felt even more upset that she played a part in the violence by hitting him as well.

Pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind, she pulled the sweater on noticing it was a little tight side.

Looking in the small mirror she noticed she wasn't getting the full view that she wanted, she remembered the full mirror that was outside the dressing room.

Without hesitation she turned around opening the door, only to be met with a face she never thought she would actually come face to face with.

Chase's girlfriend Mia

Seji head flew back from the impact of the punch Mia just threw, her vision blurred as she let out a loud cry.

Before she could react, Mia gripped Seji's hair dragging her down to the floor forcefully.

Panicking, her hands immediately went in every direction trying to fight off  the tight grip Mia had on her hair.

" Nefeli come bro I finally caught this bitch "

Seji heard Mia's loud voice yell out a name she wasn't familiar with. Opening her eyes, she realized it was the girl from earlier that snatched the cargo pants from her.

Mia continued to rain heavy blows directly at Seji's face. It seemed like she was intentionally trying to fuck up her face.

Seji felt the weight of the punches and couldn't help but stop fighting as she felt herself getting weaker and weaker. No matter how hard she tried to fight back Mia wouldn't stop.

Seji felt another set of hands punch her,  already knowing Nefeli was aiding on the cruel beating she was currently experiencing.

" BITCH STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN" Mia yelled delivering a brutal kick to Seji's side causing her to scream out for help.

Seji's heart leaped with relief as she heard screams from security. Security guards grabbed Mia finally freeing her from the tight grip she had on her hair.

Seji crawled to the other side of the dressing room, tears blurred her eyesight as she watched them carry mia away.

Sobs left Seji's mouth, her whole face swelling and throbbing with pain. The taste of blood filled her mouth adding to her misery.

Mia's loud screams rang in her ear tormenting her as another guard approached her trying to calm her down.

Seji needed to get out of there and fast, she felt herself having a panic attack. Before she could fully lift herself up, Nefeli sprinted toward her at full force.

She felt her hair being violently tugged, causing her to fall flat on her face. The impact of the fall made everything go blank for a minute, it was like she couldn't move.

The security guards intervened trying to loosen the tight grip Nefeli had on her hair but she refused to let go. She continued to pull dragging Seji's body upward.

A blood curdling scream left Seji's mouth as she felt a piece of her hair being pulled out directly from her root. Acting out instincts, she swung her fist hard hitting Nefeli in her mouth automatically busting her lip.

" BITCH IM GOING TO KILL YOU "  Nefeli screamed out as the guards finally dragged her away.

Seji felt herself being moved by the guards but her mind was some place else, she couldn't believe that just happened to her.

She tuned out them continuously asking if she was okay and did she wanted to press charges. She couldn't open her mouth to respond. She was in shock.

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