Seven: Zahria

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I was surprised to find zero messages or calls from Asael. He calls me every day to make sure I have eaten and slept.

He didn't today.

Hmm...I wonder why.

The answer was right in front of me when I walked inside his penthouse and found him and Verena cuddling on the couch and kissing.

I cringed, finding it disgusting and decided to announce my presence. "This looks cosy."

Verena instantly pulled back from the kiss as I strolled into the living room.

Grabbing the remote I changed the movie, putting on a cricket match instead.

I have not touched a cricket bat for the past twelve years but that didn't stop me from watching a cricket match. It keeps me distracted and calm even though it fucking hurts seeing one of the guys who played beside me in school being a top bowler in the England team.

"Ever heard of privacy?" Asael gave me a pointed look.

I mirrored that look from where I stood leaning against the wall. "Look who's talking."

Asael's jaw clenched, he shot a glare at me as he silently told me to shut my mouth making me roll my eyes and look back at the TV.

Asael sighed, pulling Verena close to him.

I glanced over at them, grimacing. "Do you both mind limiting your PDA? It's disgusting."

Verena scoffed. "Wait till the day you find a girl who you will worship."

I slumped down on the other couch, eyes fixed on the match. "Love renders people stupid. I don't wish to stoop to that level."

"I'll see."


Once upon a time, I wished for a family, for a wife, for babies of my own but that was more than a decade back.

Asael and Verena kept whispering to each other and I tuned them out and focused on watching the match.

I watched the match in silence and when the innings break started, Asael came over to me. "Come help me in the kitchen."

"Ask your girlfriend," I replied.

He smacked me on the back of the head. "She is busy. Get up."

"I don't know how to cook," I grumbled, getting up.

"I am not asking you to cook even though you should learn how to."

Even though I didn't want to, I followed him to the kitchen where he was cooking something on the stove and he placed a chopping board on the countertop along with a knife and a bunch of spring onions.

"Chop those." He ordered as he got busy stirring whatever he was cooking.

I held up my right hand, showing him my fingers which were trembling like usual. "My hand's useless, remember?"

He pursed his lips, staring at me blankly. "Your left hand works just fine. Start chopping or I'll tell Verena to chat with you because you are getting bored."

My eyes narrowed. "Don't you dare." That girl spoke way too much and was too exuberant for my liking.

And she reminded me of Sierna.

Defeated, I got to work and chopped the spring onions and handed it to him after which he handed me four plates with an order to set the table.

"Why four plates?" I asked.

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