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Atlanta Georgia, USA📍

Latto bent over a random man shaking her ass all up on a random man full of the condolences of weed and alcohol in a club her friends dragged her to, the only reason she truly came was cause she was just trying to accomplish pissing off her beloved girlfriend Mira.

And it seemed to be working with the weight of the many side eyes and mean mugs the woman was throwing her way from the bar, cameras were all on Latto which she loved.

many people might not have noticed but Latto loved being the center of attention and even better she loved being on camera as if she knew she was the most sexist woman to be known Mira once told her that this obsession she had with herself was becoming deadly to her but latto could have cared the slightest.

Video after video was being posted on the media loads of likes and comments were throwing off the phones of everyone nearby, Latto throwing it back on him to make only one person jealous was going everywhere including Mira.

After some time latto got off him and walked back to the bar where her home girls were enjoying the show that once played in front of them making nothing but sweet all laughter came from their mouths smiling at how low Latto could go.

"Bitch she is going to kill yo ass!" all latto did was smile shrug and laugh while ordering a drink while in the background Maria was walking up to some thirsty woman that couldn't stop looking at her.

Latto was side-eyeing the fuck out of Maria as she was soon starting to tongue down the woman as if she was latto grabbing and picking the woman up by her thighs as cameras moved her way, the scene that lasted in front of Latto's eyes had her damn near throwing the brown-skinned woman off of her grabbing her by her forearm squeezing it harder than she expected.

Latto stumped out of the club's back door and slammed Maria into the brown brick hard wall"Girl wtf is wrong with you!" Maria looked at her like she was an alien that just talked to her for the first time and rolled her dark brown eyes.

"Oh, so it's okay for you to throw ya ass all over some bum ass nigga having all these people looking at me funny and laughing and shit embarrassing me! but soon I go with another woman and start doing what I want to do it's a problem mmmm u real funny latto" she says sucking ha teeth and looking away.

"That's not the fuckin same thing Maria !!" Maria puts both of her hands on her face "Latto how the fuck is that not the same thing!!" latto removes the girl's hands from her face.

"Shaking ass on somebody as a joke is not the same thing" Mira scuffs and walks away from Latto.

Making Latto walk behind her like a Lost toddler and grab a hold of her hand swinging her around and dragging her to her car "Latto let me go before I act up on yo ass!" latto open the door of her 2020 new jeep and shove Maria in there groaning in annoyance.

Then walks and gets into the Jeep on the driver's side starting up the car and then looking at the angry Maria "When we get home I'll make it up to u okay Mama?" Latto said grabbing her mad lover's face and deeply kissing her then letting her face go looking at the road finally driving off.


How y'all like this I'm just trying sum new let me know in the comments and make sure to vote bye bye.

it's the same Just a better version lol.

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