It's not daily that such young and powerful man like such cry their hearts out to their lord. And if they do, it'll really change them forever. Because every lost person will some how go where they belongs.

His heart was crying and so did his soul. Never in his life he cried. Not when his parents died in a car accident which was basically a murder and the culprit is still unknown. That day he was devastated. He didn't lost his parents but also his soul and his faith.

He's the most religious one among his brothers and cousins as a kid. Everything that had happened in his life, he knew that it's for his betterment but when his parents died, he felt as if he was betrayed. It was as if that he did everything right, he was so good, so righteous, did every good deed, never harmed a soul then why this happened with him. That triggered bad in a fifteen year old boy's head and nobody payed attention to it.

The feelings were just like if a child gets sad with his parents, one of the parents will guide the child into understanding where he's wrong and what is right to do but there was no one to tell the child that he shouldn't loose his faith but make it stronger and it was already too late when the people he called his family notice his changing.

The time they realised, he was already a grown up man, who had done so much wrong which was unthinkable to the imagination. And he didn't hesitated in doing more because he knew there was no turning back. He had lost that thing or attachment.

As he became the great ruthless mafia leader, a power leashed in him. He became the alpha male. He had everything, power, money, women and these things provided a beautiful veil to his soul from his faith. He lost the sense of reality.

With each bad deed his guilt got lesser and lesser until that honey eyed boy appeared in his life like a havoc. He came like a butterfly flapping his wings full of light, colours and faith but what he did? He destroyed him.

A severe pain waves racked his mind and certain pleasant memories racked his mind. His crying seized when tae's drunk form confessing his love to him racked his mind. Not only that the time when his first landed on him also racked his mind and these memories were followed by pure emotions that he felt that time.

His throat clogged up as more pain made his heart to freeze. A loud cry escaped his lips as he slammed his fist on the floor. The pain in his soul was so much that he didn't payed much heed to the excruciating physical pain of his wounds.

"I'm a sinner!" He cried loudly in front of his lord as if, he's confessing his crimes, finally letting his walls to fall as cried.

"I ruined my faith!" He sobbed, his body racking with jolts.

"I destroyed him!" He wailed like a child. The pain in his heart was unbearable. It was as if tons of boulders were placed on his chest and he couldn't breath anymore.

That is when he felt a hand on his shoulder and his crying seized abruptly. His eyes opened as he realised that he was around and not alone. He slowly sit up straight, rubbing a hand on his face and chin to wipe his tears but they won't stop coming out as if the dam broke.

His red teary eyes vaguely saw a old man, who looks at him with a soft smile as positive fatherly vibes oozed out of him.

"Your faith is strong, if you can cry like this to your lord." The man spoke softly patting at his shoulders making a dry chuckle to escape his lips.

Strong faith!

"I never prayed since last twelve years." He spoke truthfully with a broken voice. He was expecting to see a disgusted look on that man's face but all he got was a soft smile which made him stunned for a second.

"Our Lord is forgiving." The old man spoke softly as his eyes twinkled with love.

His throat clogged up. "I'm a sinner." He croaked out making the old man to nod his head in understanding.

"But he's merciful." The old man told him softly as he continued. "Only if you repent wholeheartedly." Man told him.

Jungkook just stared at him. He knew that Lord is merciful but what had to Taehyung, there's no forgiveness.

"My crime is unforgivable." He said brokenly.

"I raped my wife." He confesses brokenly ready to face loath but that man just looked at him sadly.

"You're only one who confessed and is in guilt but there are many doing it everyday with no remorse." Man said sadly.

"That didn't make me a less sinner." Jungkook argued with teary eyes.

"I know son." Man nodded. "Are you guilty?" The man asked making new set of tears to form in his eyes.

"Yes." He said slowly. "Ask forgiveness from your wife." The man said softly making a dry broken chuckle to escape his lips.

"He's on death bed." His words had the old man looking at him with disgust. "Because of what you did?" The old man asked curtly, his voice angry.

"No." Jungkook answered with lowered eyes. "Then pray that he survive son, cause if he don't then there'll be no forgiveness for you. Because you did wrong to him and if he didn't forgive you then there's no forgiveness from lord either." He spoke curtly.

"Indeed Godloves the doers of good." The man spoke softly as he patted his shoulder and slowly stood up walking away.

Jungkook stayed there for two more hours, processing everything in. Recalling those few memories again and again. The pain his heart was going through was unimaginable.

With heavy heart but somewhat relieved soul he stood up. He didn't know why but from the bottom of his heart he knew nothing will happen to him.

He slowly went back to the hospital.As soon as he step out of the elevator towards the operating room. A painful hiss escaped his lips, when someone bumped into him.

His red green eyes shot up only to widen for a second because the person standing in front of him was none other than Seo-joon uncle.

Beautifull Eyes (Vkook fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora