"okay so everything is almost ready for Saturday, the last thing we need to do is get the alcohol" Jess stated as we all looked at each other to see who was gonna do it. "I've never done that and I'm not asking Luke because we aren't really talking" Jess Continued.

"well don't look at me" Lucy stated as she sat back in her seat, sipping on her tea.

"well I don't know anymore and I've never thrown a party so I have no idea what were doing" Y/N said leaning forward in her chair. Just then Two guys walked in and one caught Y/N's eyes, This tall, but lanky blonde hair boy and blue eyes and Y/N could tell those eyes anywhere. He was standing next to another tall boy but this one had a beard and short black hair. "Um I'll be right back, I have an idea" Y/N said as she stood up and made her way other to the two boys; the girls were sat there looking at each other confused as their friend walked away.

"hey Simon" Y/N said as she walked up to him; he looked so surprised to see her as the expression on his face made it obvious, same as his friend.

"oh hey Y/N" he said awkwardly which caused confusion to run through Y/N.

"I know we haven't spoken in weeks, but there was something I wanted to ask" Y/N hesitantly stated as Simon just stood there with his arms crossed, while his friend behind him just stood there.

"um I'm kind of in a hurry right now.." Simon replied trying to diffuse this anyway he can.

"please just a minute" Y/N pleaded hoping Simon will just give her one, Yet just looked at her, looking into her eyes to see any hint that he should just walk out.

"Simon, Lad we got to go" His friend stated grabbing his arm while Simon held eye contact with Y/N. "dude the Boys are waiting" His friend said as Simon didn't move until he shoved off his friends arm and grabbed mine. 

"give me a minute" Simon stated as he pulled me outside around the corner. He finally stopped us as he let go and leaned against the wall staring at Y/N. "so what is it" He asked bluntly with his hands in his pockets, and his hood on.  

"um well I'm having a party Saturday and..." Y/N started until Simon cut her off.

"and you want me to come" Simon smirked which cause a faint smile on Y/N's face.

"well that and I know you can get alcohol and I need help with that" Y/N stated.

"oh so you that's what you want" Simon replied as Y/N nodded her head, praying Simon can help her. "alright.. I can get you it" He said before Y/N could get another word out. 

"wait really" Y/N exclaimed in excitement as Simon just chuckled as he watched her.

"so... Y/N when did you start throwing parties" He asked, continuing to lean against the wall.

"well I figured that it's senior year and I wanna experience High school before it's over" She said facing Simon. "I mean I've spent the last 4 years just staying in and studying, missing the chance to hang with my best friends all because my parents are never home." She kept ranting on.

"Y/N" Simon tried to say but she kept going on and on about what sucks in her life.

"I mean how can two parents just leave their child alone like this" she sighed. "I did everything perfectly for them, I always got the grades, I worked my ass off so much just so they could say their proud of me" she said more softly trying to hide her emotions. "I.. I just missed so much because of them" she said looking down as tears started falling down her face.

Y/N's tears glistened in the dim light, their trails leaving a soft sheen on her flushed cheeks. She tried to compose herself, blinking away the remnants of her sadness. Simon stood there, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and understanding. For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air as they both processed the weight of Y/N's words.

Simon stood there, his heart aching as he watched the tears stream down Y/N's face. His mind raced, trying to find the right words to comfort her, to offer solace in this vulnerable moment. The dimly lit hallway seemed to shrink around them, their shared pain creating an unbreakable bond between them.

"Y/N," Simon finally spoke, his voice gentle and filled with empathy. "I'm sorry that you've had to carry all this weight on your own. It's not fair for your parents to have left you like this, especially during such an important time in your life. You deserve better." 

Y/N took a shaky breath, her tears still flowing down her face like shimmering crystal rivers. She considered Simon's words, their weight sinking deep into the depths of her soul.  "all I wanted was their approval and love and I thought being the perfect daughter would do it, all they wanted was for me to get into Harvard" 

Simon kept his eyes on Y/N, not knowing what to do or really say. Y/N eventually decided to sit on the ground against the wall, so Simon joined her on the ground as they sat in silence. Simon never thought a girl like Y/N who is smart, caring, loyal, also a bit of a perfectionist, could be hiding this much pain. You wouldn't know from just looking at her or even after one conversation. Simon took one glance over at her , to see her with her legs bent and her head in her knees.

"Y/N" he called her name softly. She didn't answer but he heard her little sniffles, so Simon did something without even thinking. He threw his arms around her shoulder, bringing her into his chest for comfort. At first she hesitated then gripped onto Simons shirt and cried into his chest; they stayed like this for a little until Y/N settled down. Finally they both stood up and looked at each other, without saying anything Y/N just wrapped her arms around Simon and gave him a hug.

"thank you" was all Y/N said as they released herself and back away.

"anytime" Simon replied so Y/N then made her way back to the shop to meet back with the girls, but before she could get too far; she heard a voice yell from behind.

"I'll see you Saturday"

Unexpected love* KSI x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now