Sawamaru Daichi - Soulmate AU

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My own AU, Please tell me if you like is kind of stuff. Also if the AU is like or closely resembles yours, I'm sorry but it's purely coincidence, Plus that means great minds think alike.

Soulmate AU

In a world where your soulmate dreams about you, but only gets hints about who you are. As they grow older, they get better and better hints. The dreams might range from, where you'll meet him/her, First date, Realization of each other, or on a sadder note where he or she dies.

Ever since (Your name) was 5, she started getting these dreams. He looked so familiar but so hard to pin point. Her mother always told her "To wait, time will tell". Although, since she was only a 5 year old she was impatience and she was very confused, as everyone is at first.

Soon (Your name), grew up. Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten.. The years went by, the dreams becoming clearer and clearer. She felt so close but so far. His features were so handsome, short cut hair and strong muscular legs and arms, she swore she's known him from somewhere.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Some rude guy pushed you out of the way. He had Blonde hair and glaring, hateful eyes.

"S-sorry!" (Your name) said bowing her head.

"Ding" The bell went off.

Nervous but excited, she rushed up the flight of stairs. (Your name's) first day.

"Maybe I'll meet him here." She whispers making herself smile with glee.

"Sorry I'm late!" Running through the door bowing deeply. The Sensei sighed and slightly laughed.

"I was just talking about you! Please introduce yourself." Sensei stepped down and waited for you to introduce yourself.

"Déjà vu.." She whispered quietly. "Hello, My name is (Last name and First name). I used to go to Nekoma high, in Tokyo. I know it's kind of weird to transfer her in the middle of the year but, Please take care of me." She politely bowed and smiled to everyone.

Taking the empty seat next to a guy, she took out her supplies for this class.

Wait... Is someone looking at her?

Slowly looking around she noticed a person looking at her. It hit her. It's Him!!! Quickly looking down at her notebook, she was really flustered, but who wouldn't? You just met your soulmate. Switching back to working mode (First name) wrote down the entire notes on the board.

She sighed as she rested her head in her arms, daydreaming was a something that (First name) did a lot. She would daydream about her soulmate, her future and just things that girls think of. The bell went off for break as a sea of students rushed to the hallway.

"Hey.. (Last name)-san? Do you want me to show you around the school?" A girl with beautiful black hair and glasses that framed her face said politely. "Oh My, I should introduce myself. I'm Kiyoko Shimizu, but Kiyoko is fine."

She followed this girl the entire day, Kiyoko didn't seem to mind. After school (First name) was invited to a practice, Kiyoko said she should come watch, so she did.

As they walked in two people started shouting..

"Kiyoko-chan is soooo beautiful!"

(First name) awkwardly laughed as she watched the team mess around with eachother.

When she locked eyes with a certain male, her heart started to beat faster than usual. Unknown to her, but her face was turning a deep red. Causing Daichi to laugh.

"U-uh.." She struggled to say anything when he started to walk over to her.

"(Last name)-san.." He smiled brightly at her flustered state.

"Soulmates, huh, you're prettier in real life." He smiled as he put his head on her shoulder.


She fainted. Daichi laughed.


This was supposed to posted a really long time ago..

If you like more AU, please tell me in the comments or just vote this up!!


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