Issue #47...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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Still, I looked at the bed, and realized how much I didn’t want to leave Seto. I didn’t even think I would be able to sleep in a different room than him knowing what condition he was in.

“Listen, Ethan. All I’m doing is taking up space in that room you gave me, do you think you could check me out early, so I can stay in here with him?”

“Sure Ms. Young,” He paused pulling down my shirt, taking off the latex gloves covered with medicine and tossing them into the trash. “I can send a nurse by and she can grab your things out of that room. You did leave something in there yes?”

“That won’t be necessary. I can get it myself. Thank you.”


I walked out of my original hospital room, duel disk in hand. Mocuba saw me and stopped. “Hope, are you feeling better?”

“About the same,” I admitted, the salve the doctor had given me didn’t last long. “But I’m going to be out getting a prescription the doctor gave me, it’s supposed to help.”

“Is that Seto’s?” His eyes fell on the duel disk.

“Yes, I’m afraid it is.” I handed it to him, “I’m sorry, I had to use it yesterday. Mine was out of reach, and this one had Blue Eyes.”

“That’s okay.” He said, and he took out the three cards. “Take this. I imagine big brother would want you to have them. Besides, I trust you.”

I smiled, “Thanks Mocuba but they don’t do me much good without a Duel Disk of my own.”

“Well run to Kaiba Corp and get one and a deck of cards. You do have your identification card on you don’t you?”

“Yes.” I admitted. “I have my I.D. and my bank account card.” I had them tucked into my change purse in my pocket, where it was safe and sound. I had put it in there yesterday when I had the smallest hunch we might end up returning to Battle City quicker than I had planned. I had gotten them the last time I spent more than a couple days in Battle City.

Mocuba nodded, turning to walk away; he added, “We are a gaming company after all, Kaiba Corporation will hook you up with any cards or duel disks that you need.”

“Thanks.” I said. I didn’t particularly want to go get my duel disk, but since they proved to work against Dusks it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

            Before he headed back to Seto’s room he told me that Yugi and the others had left, when they had went into Seto’s room I had been sleeping and nobody wanted to wake me up.

I walked back to Roran’s room, all of them had passed out, Amy included. She was laying on the bed, snoring softy. Roran was laying on his side sleeping, having taken his left bandaged wing and carefully draped it over Amy, so he wasn’t hurting himself. He had also put a blanket on Breanna. Breanna was sleeping on her side next to him. Even Sawyer was out cold, a half-eaten sandwich next to him. I smiled, it was best not to wake them up. I was going to get a list of Breanna and Roran’s cards so I could get some when I was in to the Corporation. That was alright though, I remembered most of them, it’s not like I needed to know all of their game strategies if we were just using them to attack Dusks.


I wandered out of the pharmacy, and through the crowded city, the sun beaming down on me as the wind blew down. I imagined if I was back home there would be trees rustling in the wind. Or if we were back at the beach waves would be beating against the shoreline. It had been peaceful until the end.

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