Chapter 1 - It's Matt fucking Flyzik!

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I hope you like my story :) This idea sounded so great in my head, but I think this is kinda crappy.
Tell me what you think! Vote, comment, follow <3 

My fingers felt the fabric of my bed underneath me as pain woke me up. The bright light almost killed my eyes as I opened them. Man, my hangover is bigger than I expected. After checking my phone for the time I rushed into my bathroom and took a short shower.

“Fuck.” This isn't good. My parents will come home in around two hours and the house looks like a piece of shit!

The party last night was way to hard! The living room looked even worse.

My headache was even bigger after cleaning the whole mess. My luck, I still had a few minutes so I could go up and get rid of my make up and mascara. My mom hates all that stuff that 'ruins the natural beauty'. She's weird. Well, my dad also is, so they really found each other.

After my skin was clean I took the blonde short hair wig out of my hidden closet and put it on. Don't judge me! I know what this looks like, but I'm not as weird as my parents. I just do this for them. For example, one day my mom sent me to the hair dresser to dye my hair blonde, because she thinks that blondes look more innocent. Total stupid shit, if you ask me. But I do it so she won't flip out. Of course I did not dye my hair blonde, I love my long dark brown hair. So I just bought a wig so my mom will shut up.

Suddenly I heared that the front door had opened and my parents were talking.

“Shit!” I whispered as I took the piercing out of the right side of my nose. To end up the 'new look' I took of my black skinny jeans and my 'JAGK' sweater to change into light rose colored skinny jeans, a white blouse and a few golden accessories.

“Oh honey! We missed you so much.” my mom said as I came down the stairs and almost ran me over. I hugged her back when she snaked her arms around me.

“Hey mom. Missed you too.” I greeted back.

“Hey Alex.” my dad welcomed me with a quick hug.

“Hi dad. How was your trip?” I asked them as we all sat down in the kitchen.

And so the boring life of mine went on.

It was Friday and Amber my best friend came over to hang out.

“We have to do something. It's so boring here.” I said as I let myself fall on my bed.

“Yeah right.” she said not paying attention.

“Can your phone leave your hand for at least a few minutes?” This girl is so annoying sometimes. She got a boyfriend now for two months and all she talks about is him.

“Sorry.” she said and grinned at me like a five year old.

“Come on, Amber. Focus! It's so boring and all you do is being addicted to your new toy.” I sighed  because she didn't even say anything against it. “I gotta get out of this town.” I sat down on my desk and turned on my laptop.

“Whatcha doing?” Amber asked.

“Looking for a job.”

“What job?” She sat down next to me.

“Anything to get out of here.”

“What about this?” Her finger pointed to an advertisement for a job as a cleaner in New York.

“Are you kidding me? A cleaner?” I said, giving her a look.

“Sorry, I only read New York.” She grinned apologizing.

We continued the search for something less humiliating.

“Wait!” she said to stop me from scrolling down. I followed her finger with my eyes and read the article called 'Help out for Band!'. After reading the article I only knew that there is a manager needed for a tour. There wasn't much information in the text but I liked it already now!

“I want this job!”

Two weeks ago I've sent my application and today I had to meet the actual manager of that band. I wanted to know which band it will be and which tour so badly. I'm really into that kind of music and I know all the bands. Or let's say I love all those bands.
Of course I went there in my casual clothes and without that crappy wig. I thought there's no need to dress up formally. That thought was right as I stepped into the room where three other girls and a boy sat with also normal clothes. Obviously they were also applying for the job. Well, I didn't bother talking to them.

“Alexandria Crawford?” someone said as the door opened. I looked up and I saw no other man but Matt Flyzik. Oh my fucking god! It's Matt Flyzik, like in the manager of fucking All Time Low!!!

“Yeah, that's me.” I said staying calm and walked inside the room where he called me.

“Hello Ms. Crawford. Can I say Alexandria?” Matt asked while I had sat down at the table in the middle of the room.

“Of course.” I said and smiled. Don't freak out! Don't freak out!

“I'm Matt Flyzik.” We shook hands before he told me about the situation. “So, you already know what you apply for, right?” I silently nodded. “Okay. Then I tell you the details. That band which needs a manager is All Time Low and normally it's me that manages them, but I'm dissabled to work for the next tour and so I'm looking for someone I can trust and rely on. Now tell me, what are your credentials?” He looks at me curious.

“Uhm... I completed my studies as Event Manager at Ohio State University last year and now I'm searching for a challenge. I don't want a boring job in a call center or an office. I need action in my life, so why don't combine the action part with the money making part?” I said and grinned. I meant every word I said and there's nothing that I want more in life than a bit more action. Is it too much that I ask for?

“Well, I like your attitude. Now I have only one question left for you.” he said seriously after a while. I swallowed hard before I said something.

“Shoot.” I tried to smile.

“Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack are four of the most exhausting guys I've ever seen. Are you abled to handle them?” He looked straight at me with no emotion but seriousness.

“Actually I think I am. I got 3 older brothers, they already moved out but when I was younger they were a bunch of incompetent bastards.” I said and laughed as I thought back. “Good old times. Anyway, I could manage to handle them so your boys will be no biggy.” Another grin placed itself on my lips. For the first time I've stepped into the room I could see a small smile appear on his face.

“Perfect,” he said and stood up while clapping his hands together. “you got the job.”

“Really?!” I said and couldn't hide a gigantic grin that came up.

“Yeah, really.” he laughed a bit.

“Thanks so much, Matt. I won't disappoint you.”

Well, easier said then done...

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No, seriously. Tell me what you think :)) 

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