WTF he is messing up business

Zac: Hey Paco I just got word from Tip that you are shorting us on product

Paco: Yeah man I have a new client that needed more product for

Zac: But why the fuck would you short me when I am your top seller short one of the other clients

Paco: It's just business my brother

Zac: that's fucked up Paco I have been dealing with your for years and this shit ain't never happened

Paco: It's just ¼ of your supply

Zac: Yeah and that's also ¼ of my money gone too. How about I give you 1/ 4 less money then we would be even

Paco. Let me see how this new client does and if they can deliver

Zac: So you putting your trust in someone you never done business with I see how we moving. You better hope I'm still a customer after this

Paco: Don't be like that man we go way back

Zac: Exactly and we shouldn't even be having this damn conversation

Zac hung up the phone pissed

Zac called Fatima

Zac: Hey

Fatima: Hey what's up you sound pissed

Zac: I am my connect playing games and shorting our product because he got a new customer

Fatima: Do we know who this new customer is

Zac: Nope but I am about to find out

Fatima: I say we rob him before the product even gets to the new customer then we will have what is owed to us and even more

Zac: I like how you're thinking

Fatima: Just get me his phone number and I will handle the rest and let you know where we need to have our people meet.

As soon as the new customer get the product we will take it from them then leave a message and make it seem like Paco did it then they will be at war

Zac: I see what you are doing I just sent you his number

Fatima: Got it

Zac: Once we handle this the we need to head to the meet up place we have things being delivered

Fatima: Okay I can meet you there and I have another possible connect we can go through because I don't have time for your connect to keep playing games and playing with our money

Zac: Okay set up a meet

Fatima: I will do that

Zac: Let me know when you have the information

Fatima: Okay I have to handle some business I'll get back with you

Zac: Okay

Fatima pulled up to collect the money that was owed to her

Fatima: I am here to collect

Man: Yes yes I have it all here

Fatima: Good run it through the money counter

He ran the money through the money counter and it was all there

Man: All there

Fatima: I must say I didn't think that you would come through especially since I added on an extra 10%

Man: I didn't have a choice I had to make it happen

Fatima: You won't get a pass next time

Fatima walked out with the Money

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