Will We be Okay?

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"Mẹ (mom), when is Bố (dad) going to be back?"

Rune sat at the dining table, rocking back and forth and tapping the table impatiently.

"Patience, my little Runestone.. Bố will be home soon.. He's busy protecting our village, You know."

Duyen, Rune's mother was busy making a necklace for Rune. On the table lay a small piece of the Family's Runestone, and string to attach it to.

"I know.. but he's always gone! I miss him!"

"I know, I know, con trai tôi.. Here, sit on my lap. Do you want to see the necklace I'm making for you?"

Rune gasped with excitement as he hopped down from his chair and climbed onto his mom's lap.

"Yes please!!"

"This Runestone has been in our family for many generations. It's what gives us our powers."

"Yeah, that's why our eyes are red!"

"That's right..! Each family has their own runestone and corresponding powers.. Ours is fire magic."

Rune watched his mom make the necklace, wrapping the string around it tightly so it would remain secure. Duyen put the finished necklace around Rune's neck with care. Rune looked at the necklace in awe.

"Now, Con trai của tôi (my son), you mustn't use this outside of this house, okay?"

"Aww, why?"

"You know wild magic is forbidden.. We must practice it in secret. No one must know that we are wild witches. Bạn hiểu không?" (Do you understand?)

"Yes Mẹ, I understand.. That's not fair though.."

Duyen frowned seeing her child upset. She felt horrible that he couldn't practice his own cultured magic, in his own village no less. Coven soldiers are always roaming around, and there are people being arrested for using wild magic left and right. The last thing she wants is her own son getting hurt because of this insane coven system.

"I know it's not.. But we must do what we need to do to stay safe.. I'm sorry it has to be this way.."

Their frowns disappeared when they heard their door opening, revealing Rune's dad, Bao.

"Bố! You're home!"

Rune ran to his dad, filled with happiness. Bao was the protector of the Village, and made sure that Coven soldiers didn't invade.

"Ah, hello little one. I'm sorry it took so long for me to come home. I needed to talk with the other guardians of our village."

"Is everything okay, Người thân yêu?" (My love)

Duyen got up from her seat and approached Bao with a worried expression. She could tell Bao was trying to hide his nervousness, but Rune was completely oblivious. Rune was just glad his dad was finally home. Duyen gave Bao a worried glance, as she could only think about why her husband needed to talk to the other guardians.

"Rune, baby.. go play in your room, okay? Mẹ and Bố need to talk."

Duyen put her hand on Rune's shoulder and pushed him along. Rune reluctantly went to his room, but eavesdropped from the hallway. His parents were talking to each other in Vietnamese, so Rune couldn't fully understand what they were saying. He was still new to learning Vietnamese since he was so young, although he did know some words, but not full sentences and conversations.

Tortured Soul -OC backstory: Rune Zhu-Where stories live. Discover now