Just say sorry

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Katsuki was acting like a fucking spoiled brat as Izuku tried eating his breakfast resulting in Kirishima babysitting the two while their classmates started rolling in.

"Morning." Kirishima smiled at Denki and Mina as they walked in. Mina nodded his way in acknowledgment and Denki smirked back.

"Whaddap." He yawned, slapping Katsuki on the back, taking his bad attitude as any other normal occurrence as he sat down beside him.

Izuku winced sensing the verbal beating Denki was prone to hearing. He stayed tense seeing Katsukis face darken and was about to say something to distract them before getting cut off.

"Whatever." Bakugou grumbled as he shot Denki a warning glare at least. "Dont fucking touch me."

"My bad dude." Kaminari awkwardly chuckled, lifting his hands up in a surrender position before letting himself lean on the table. "Did you make us any food?"

"Yup. Go on top of the building and jump. You should see it in hell." Katsuki snapped back. "No, I fucking didn't, now get your lazy ass and make your own food."

"That's a bit harsh don't you think Bakugou?" Tsuyu mumbled tiredly as she strutted into the kitchen.

"Why do you care?" He scoffed in response.

Tsuyu froze in front of him at his sudden attitude toward her. He may be rude to his classmates but they had a silent understanding of each other causing him to not yell or show much signs of aggression toward her, and this was a first.

"Did Midoriya do something to you? Whats up?" She worriedly asked as she sat across him.

"Kill yourself." Katsuki blurted out. "Oops- I mean, keep yourself safe." He forced a creepy child molesting looking smile on his face causing Tsu to giggle.

"Wouldn't want to repeat the middle school incident again." Izuku unconsciously mumbled, leaving the room quiet in shock and confusion.

"What does he mean by that Bakugou?" Uraraka curiously asked from the couch, leaning on top of it from where she was sitting in order to have a better look at everything.

Izuku started to panic knowing how negatively his classmates may react to the news of him being a past victim from Bakugou's wrath, "Wait guys that slipped out-"

"Midoriya why are you trying to hide it?" Tokoyami pushed forward. "That's kind of... suspicious."

Katsuki deadpanned them with the nastiest look as he yelled, "How about we talk about what happened last night when you all were sleeping peacefully?!"

Izuku looked like he'd seen a ghost. He didn't mean to bring up middle school and Katsuki most likely knows that. So why is he attacking him?!

"K-Kacchan come on now..!"

"WAIT WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

"Ayo?" Mineta yawned as he sat down at the table.

"Wa-Kacchan! Do you really want to do this right now??"

"I swear to god I will bitch slap you right now if I find out you hurt Bakugou." Mina snapped at Midoriya with a stank face making him jump back in his seat in defense.

"I-I didn't...!" He paused. "No wait I kinda did, I guess. Sorry." Izuku stammered with a petrified face seeing Sero have to hold Mina down from clawing her way to him to fulfil her promise to the greenette.

"Nobody hurt anybody here!" Katsuki shrieked, earning himself a sudden side eye from Izuku. "Okay maybe except Izuku but he sure as hell didn't hurt me!!"

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