Chapter 6: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the itch!

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"Oh, but I do," Ryan cut him off. "I can't condone anything criminal."

"There's nothing criminal about what I'm trying to do, mate," Jaxon growled.

"Well, I don't know that," Ryan responded smoothly. "You either tell me why or you forget about it." He shrugged.

"Bloody hell!"

"Who are they and why do you need to send them that money?"

"The money is for their sons, okay?" Jaxon murmured, his facial expression one of someone about to be sick. "I promised to pay their college tuition. Since I won't be around to follow through with that promise, I might as well do that now."

Ryan went speechless for a moment. That had definitely not been what he was expecting to hear from Jaxon and it showed on his face. But Jaxon interpreted Ryan's facial expression as one of disbelief. Was it because of the amount involved, he wondered, getting angry. He hated it when people assumed he was telling a lie. He flipped.

"I can't take care of only their tuition and ignore the books, supplies, and daily living expenses," Jaxon snapped.

"What?" Ryan whispered, looking confused.

"Dude, are you suddenly hard of hearing?" Jaxon growled. "You're a college professor so should know these things are expensive."

"I know," Ryan breathed. "Just surprised that's all. You're actually doing something good," he couldn't mask his surprise and intrigue. "So why did you have that expression?"

"What expression?" The frown that appeared on Jaxon's face made Ryan laugh.

"You looked as if if the money was for something terrible and you didn't want it to be known." Ryan couldn't hide his bemusement.

"Well, that's none of your business," Jaxon murmured, feeling the colour rise in his cheeks.

The last thing Jaxon wanted was for anyone to think he gave a fuck about people or was soft. He had a reputation to maintain. Those were just some random kids he'd caught selling drugs in his old neighbourhood on one of his visits. He'd marched them to their parents and given them a stern warning not to sell drugs again. After scaring the bejesus out of them, he'd promised them and their parents to take care of their college tuition if they concentrated on their studies and stopped the foolery. He'd monitored them after that encounter and had been happy to see they were no longer selling drugs but were taking their studies seriously just as he'd advised. He therefore needed to meet his end of the bargain.

"You're actually nice," Ryan said softly, always ready to see the good in people.

"Will you cut out that shit talk?" But Jaxon's growl only made Ryan smile wider. "Will you help?"

"Hell, yeah." Ryan grinned. "What do you need?"

"My phone. I left it in the ca..." His phone appeared in his palm before he completed his sentence. "Damn!" He stared at the dark screen and then sat on his bed dejectedly. "Phone's dead."

"Here." Ryan reached out to touch the phone. A smirk broke out on Jaxon's mouth as he watched his phone with zero battery life turn on by itself.

"Show off," he muttered but his eyes showed how impressed he was. "Want to see what I'm doing?"

"I know you're being truthful," Ryan shrugged. "Go ahead."

"Thank you, your highness." But Jaxon's sarcastic tone only made Ryan laugh.

The mate of the alpha of all alphas quietly watched Jaxon as he clicked away on his phone. He couldn't wrap his mind around how the rogue could be that destructive yet so thoughtful. Ryan didn't even attempt to stop Jaxon when he began to dial a number at some point. He simply watched him.

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