"Well, I can see that Tarwin didn't lie to me When He told me about Your beautiful voice." Elenor looks at him and said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Oh really, and here I was hoping that You would either fall asleep or die from my voice. That was I would be free from Your presence..."

Akvhi looks at her and said. "Cute... Anway, There will be a ball in two days and I expect You to attend it..."

He then snapped his fingers to let one of the servants know that He wants a refill of wine. He kept looking at Elenor and said to her as the servant filled his chalice with wine.

"And every noble in Adventhi will be there to see You, The Princess and Fiancèe to my best Commander..."

Elenor looks at him and said with an annoyed look on her face. "I will not attend that bloody ball of Yours. I rather be in that little prison cell You put me in and try to not get bored by those god awful books..."

Akvhi looks at her with a smirk on his face as He told her. " You will be attending, and don't You like the books in Your room?

And here I thought You were a big fan of..." Before He could finish his sentence the wine bottle slipped from the servants's hand.

And spilled wine onto the table and on Akvhi's white silk pants. Akvhi became angry at this and grabbed the servant by the neck and slammed his head onto the table.

He then pulled out his dagger and held it at the servants's throat and said. "You bloody clutz of a fool! Do You ruined my favorite pair of pants!!"

The male servant has a fearful look on his face as He said to him. "I-I'm sorry! It was an accident I swear!"

Akvhi looks at the male servant and said to him. "An accident!? An accident!?! I'm going to..." Elenor stood up from her chair and interrupted him and said with an aggressive look on her face.

"You unhand him right this instant Or I cut You open, You bloody bastard!" Akvhi turned his attention to her and said. "What did You just say to me?"

Elenor looks at him and said with a serious look on her face. "I give it to the count of three to let him go or else..."

Akvhi looks at her and said. "I would like to see You try..." Elenor began to count to three and then She moved quickly towards him.

And grabbed the dagger from Akvhi's hand and held it at his throat. Akvhi took notice of the furious look in her eyes as one of the guards went to grab Elenor.

But Akvhi gave her a small smirk before He let go of the servant. Then grabbed Elenor's arm and put it on her back. He looks at Elenor as He said with a serious look on his face.

"You are very brave to put a blade to Your old man's neck..." Elenor struggled to get out of his grip as He told her.

" If one of my men tried to do that to me, they would have their head cut off... And You are lucky that You aren't one of those men right about now..."

He then let go of her and told his guard with a serious expression on his face. "Take the Princess back to her chambers, and make sure She doesn't try anything else tonight..."

The guard gave him a nod and went to take Elenor back to her room. Elenor looked at the male servant who still had a fearful look on his face and gave him a comforting smile.

The next day Elenor were allowed to go to the castle gardens with Torin. She sat by the pond and said to Torin as She was feeding the ducks.

"I cant believe what He did last night, I mean... Threatening a poor man all because He had a little accident."

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