Chapter 1 purple mist

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The man grabbed teshimas arm and bit into it hard. Blood sprayed everywhere. Teshima screamed in agony. TESHIMA!!! Ms kyoko shouted in fear.

He fell to the ground seeming to be unconscious

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He fell to the ground seeming to be unconscious. All the teachers surrounded him to see if he was ok. When he opened his eyes she smiled in relief asking was he ok. What happened next horrified takashi Teshima shot up from the ground with new strength and vigor. He walked past her and up to the elderly looking teacher. They asked him what was wrong and be fore anybody could react. Clinch!!! Teshima grabbed the elderly man by the head and picked him up with super strength.

The other teachers were horrified. What was he doing? Teshima! Wh-what are you? Before she could say further the man squeezed the elderly teachers head until it exploded spreading blood and viscera all

 What was he doing?  Teshima! Wh-what are you? Before she could say further the man squeezed the elderly teachers head until it exploded spreading blood and viscera all

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

around. Takashi stood there with his mouth agape to horrified to even move what the fuck was that?
Kyoko. Stood there horrified unable to speak. Wh-wh-how did you? She stammered. Once the old man was dead he walked past her again to the male teacher that was there the man was to horrified to move. When teshima got to he raised his fist and punched foward. With brute strength he punched the man's head clean off splattering his blood on the school wall.

Takashi could not believe it

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Takashi could not believe it. Was this real? how was this possible his teacher just killed two men with his bare hands. Ms kyoko fell to her knees unable to process what was happing? Teshima then turned and looked at her walking over to her. She clinched her eyes shut thinking she was next. But instead of killing her he grabbed her. And pulled her to her feet. She stood there in fear wondering what he was going to do next and then he reached his hand out.

Hotd: seed of the them (ADULT FIC ) 18+onlyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat