Episode 4: Encounter III: Conditions for Victory

Start from the beginning

"I'll take those points if you don't want them." said Buffa walking towards Neon with the intent to kill her. "Stop!" Keiwa shouted and transformed and tackled Buffa to a wall. "Attacking other participants is prohibited. Your score has been lowered." said the voice from the earlier round due to Tycoon attacking Buffa. "What's wrong with killing a zombie?" asked Buffa standing his ground. "He's got a point. The rules want us to kill zombies." Kanato commented mockingly. "You shut your trap!" growled Shido pointing Sandalphon at Kanato's throat. "Oi. Shido, something's on your eye." said James noticing a telltale clock pattern on Shido's left eye. "Must be an illusion. you probably were seeing things." said Shido lying to James about Zafkiel appearing on his eye. 'He's lying again, that telltale clock pattern was seen on the Spirit that bears the codename: "Nightmare". who really are you Shido Itsuka?' thought Ace observing Shido carefully before turning his attention to the tied up Kanato.

"You know why i left you alive?" taunted Ace in a friendly yet mocking manner. "Huh?" Kanato asked very confused by Ace's words. "Because you haven't turned into a zombie yet." replied Ace with a mocking smirk. "Wouldn't get any points for killing you." added the smug fox themed Rider. "Well that's a relief, but i want to still kill him though." commented Shido as the clock pattern on his eye disappeared. "Please don't give us a scare Ace, Shido was really was going through with murder!" added James thankful and horrified that Shido was really going to stoop to murder. 'i really hate Kanato, that's my reason.' thought Shido sneering hatefully at Kanato.

Buffa then pushed Tycoon aside and de-transformed. "Live a little why don't you? it was just a joke." grumbled Michinaga as James frowned. "But the way you acted earlier was no joke at all." snarked the dragon themed Rider as an annoyed Michinaga huffed at James' words. "You're really starting to piss me off you know that?" asked Michinaga slightly shoulder bumping James a bit which he didn't budge from said bump. "Well, i don't like you. That's a fact." James mused with smirk which made Michinaga growl in irritation as he left along with Morio.

Keiwa after de-transforming went to check on Neon. "I guess this is where we say our goodbyes..." muttered the heiress in sorrow. "What are you talking about...?" asked a confused Keiwa as Shido looked on in concern. "I don't want to bite anyone when i turn into a zombie...but...it's not like i wanna get tied up either..." Neon explained with sadness. "You won't become a zombie! i told you already! argh...you're quite the sad sack aren't you!?" groaned Shido in dismay as James just sighed. "Not to mention..." muttered Neon sadly as Ace turned to look at her. "What is it?" asked the fox themed Rider noticing that Neon stopped at her sentence. "Speak up." urged James wanting to hear what Neon wanted to say.

"It's weird...i thought i wanted to run away from home and never return, but...now that i might die...i can't stop thinking about going back." Neon explained in tears. "Please...don't say terrible things like that." muttered an upset Keiwa while Ace just stared. "It'll be okay. People don't die that easily." added Keiwa assuringly but Neon wasn't that convinced. "I appreciate that, but...you guys really should stay away from me..." muttered Neon sadly as Shido just grumbled in anger. "No way...i made a promise to help you gain some scores. I'm not backing off on my promise! Besides i want that panda kicked out of the game, and i'll be more than glad to help you in the next round! you got it!?" growled Shido glaring at Neon who didn't say anything. Ace then stopped looking at Neon and stared at nothing...but not before giving a quick smirk which James instantly noticed. 'What the hell is he thinking about?' thought the dragon themed Rider warily but hoped it was to help Neon.

-a few hours later at the lounge-

Everyone was sitting down in the sofas of the lounge doing nothing while Ace was sitting on the chairs while Michinaga sat on the stairs while Kanato was somewhere in the halls.

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