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I left dinning hall out of annoyance. It's been 10 years since I am searching for our mate, but when I see Sebastian, it feels like it is useless. We all are connected together through our soul. I can feel how lonely and miserable he is. His dragon is restless, angry and suffering more than me and Jackson. But he still doesn't understand that we all need our mate, who will be our redemption. Our mate is our only means of survival. If we don't find her in a few years, chances are high that we will lose our mind, and I just got a demo. Dragons follow hierarchy and my brother is on the top of it. My dragon respects him, that's why he doesn't want to unnecessarily indulge in fight with him. Someone has to be sane in this mess, and I guess it's me. I have to find her without him knowing anything. But first, let's search for those hatchlings. I called my shadow wolf and gave him instructions to look for the possible hideouts of the kidnappers. My shadow wolf comes handy in these matters. He created 15 dummy shadow wolf and is currently searching for those children. I am damn sure that we will find them before dusk. It's like a regular exercise for me. This has been happening a lot this year. I don't know the reason, but I will definitely get my answers. Last month I rescued 39 kids and this is increasing day by day. This is concerning.........

I thought that we will find them before dusk, but it is taking much more time than expected. Jackson is scolding me through mind link, but I abruptly cut him off. I don't take orders, and everyone needs to know that. Fuck, this is getting on my nerves.... " Woof, woof... wooooooo....."
One of my wolf sensed something, it's something very strong. It's calming, subtle, energizing, just like the first ray of sun. " wooooooo....woooo..........
My wolf is getting excited, it's our mate. Fuck, fuck ... My nerves are on the edge. Goddess has listened to my prayers. My dragon who is pretty much dormant is now raging with excitement and ready to shape-shift. I can't control it any longer. Shhhhhhhhh.... I shape-shifted into the legendary night dragon, which has never happened in the last 15 years. Fuck, this is the power of mate......


What is this feeling? ... My soul is sensing something. Ah, this is Alex's feeling. It's refreshing, so pure, it's innocent. Ahh, this... This is our mate. Holy shit fuck...
Why is this so calming. I don't want a mate. I had enough taste of women. They are useless, selfish and all are after our position. I don't want my brothers to become fool by someone. I have to protect them.
My dragon is fuming upon sensing my thoughts. He is getting out of control. Shit... I'm losing control. No... I have to do this. I have to protect them from that bitch . I have to control him...... I shape-shifted into golden dragon and currently chasing Alex. But what is this. As I am getting closer, this soothing effect is getting stronger. Shit, it's so amazing .....
And then I truly lost it. I heard the screams of my mate. My dragon is fuming with rage. What are these instincts ???
I want to protect her. My dragon increased its speed and passed off Alex. She is inside that shabby building, I can sense it. I shape-shifted and quickly entered the building. I ran at an insane speed, killing ever single creature in my way. This surge of power and excitement is new to me. Finally, I will get to see my mate. She is mine. Out of excitement, I reached the basement and what I saw is truly shocking. My mate is a hatchling. What the fuck...
An old hag has a knife on her neck ready to spilt her throat. ...
I didn't think for a second and ran at my best speed and broke the neck of that hag in a single strike. Fuck my mate. She is so cute and pure, unlike those bitches. Her little hands were tied behind.
Her black eyes are filled with tear. Her red her are disheveled. I am totally mesmerizing by her. It felt like I am struck with lightening. There is a strong urge within me to love and protect her. Fuck, my wolf is now showing up. He then and there imprinted on her. This feeling is something new. I got scared and took a step back. Suddenly Alex came into my view and untied her, wiping her tear from her chubby cheeks and hugged her so tightly. Fuck, I wanted to do that too. She was crying profusely and Alex was trying his best to calm her down. After a few minutes, she relaxed a bit and quickly went into dreamland. I guess she was too scared and tired. Alex removed his shirt and wrapped her in it and marched towards our home. I felt like now that fucking castle can really be called home......

Author's Note-
I am a new writer, so please forgive me for my clumsy writing. I am open for suggestions. Please support me because really need you guys.

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