■ Chapter 13 ■

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"How beautiful it is to find a heart that loves you, without asking you for anything but to be okay ".


Taehyung and I had just finished a serene evening of boating, the sun setting over the calm waters, casting a warm orange glow. As we made our way home, strolling hand in hand, the peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the unexpected appearance of a young boy. He approached them, offering free tickets to a nearby haunted house.

I, intrigued by the offer, questioned the boy, "Why are you giving us free tickets?"

The boy, with a mischievous grin, replied, "The haunted house just opened in this locality, and they're offering free tickets on the first day to get more publicity."

I gladly accepted the tickets and turned to Taehyung, my eyes sparkling with excitement. "What do you think, Tae? Should we go check it out?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment, his imagination already playing tricks on him. Eventually, he nodded, "Alright, let's do it. It's just for fun, right?"

Taehyung and I, made our way to the mysterious Haunted House , a sense of excitement and trepidation in our hearts. The flickering lights and eerie music set the stage as we stepped inside, hands tightly clasped.

As we ventured deeper, the room suddenly plunged into darkness. "Taehyung, where are you?" I whispered, my voice quivering. Just then, an unseen hand brushed against Taehyung's leg. He jumped and let out a startled cry, "Naya, something just touched me!"

I shrieked in response, clutching his arm. We navigated through a series of chilling corridors, ghostly apparitions and unsettling sounds echoing around us. "I can't see anything!" Taehyung exclaimed as the darkness enveloped us.

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands reached up from the floor and grabbed our ankles. "Ahhh!" We both screamed in terror, stumbling forward. Laughter erupted from the shadows as the unseen tormentors released our legs.

Taehyung and I couldn't help but laugh despite our fright. "This place is insane!" Taehyung exclaimed as they continued their journey. A sinister voice whispered from the darkness, "You can't escape."

A trapdoor opened beneath us, and we fell onto a slide that spiraled downward, leaving us disoriented and dizzy. As we tumbled out at the bottom, we were met with a room filled with grotesque masks and eerie mannequins.

I shivered, my voice quivering, "I can't take much more of this." Taehyung, trying to be brave, replied, "Don't worry, Naya, we're in this together."

Just then, a blood-curdling scream echoed through the room, and a ghostly figure lunged at us. "Ahhh!" I screamed, and Taehyung grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the apparition.

Taehyung and I cautiously made our way through a corridor filled with eerie sounds and flickering lights. The tension in the air was palpable, and my grip on Taehyung's arm tightened with every step.

As we turned a corner, a sudden loud crash echoed through the hallway, and a ghastly figure in tattered clothing leaped out from a hidden alcove, emitting a blood-curdling scream. I couldn't contain my fear any longer.

I let out a terrified shriek and immediately clung to Taehyung.

"Ah! Tae, Tae, it's...it's...oh my gosh, it's...I can't even...aahhh!" I stammered, my words a jumbled mess as my heart raced.

"Oh God, please save us from these monsters, and I promise I'll never do this again." I started to pray while crying.

Taehyung, trying his best to stifle a nervous chuckle, held me tightly and whispered, "It's okay, Sarang, it's all fake. It's just part of the fun. Breathe." (Love).

We finally emerged from the room, both relieved and terrified. As we neared the exit, zombie-like figures started chasing us, screaming and lurching forward.  Taehyung and I screamed our lungs out and sprinted outside the haunted house.

We finally reached the exit, our hearts pounding and our breaths ragged. The attendant congratulated us with a wicked grin, "You made it through alive!"  Taehyung and I burst into relieved laughter, our fear now turning into shared amusement.

Breathing heavily, we stood outside, our heartbeats gradually returning to normal. We shared a nervous laugh, realizing we both have been genuinely scared at different points.

I laughing "We sure did scream like scaredy-cats, didn't we?"

Taehyung chuckling "Yeah, I guess we were both scared at some point. But we made it out together, didn't we?"

"You're right. We make a great team. Now let's go home ".

Hand in hand,  Taehyung and I walk away from the haunted house, our laughter echoing in the night.


Taehyung and I walk hand in hand, giggling after our fun-filled day. The sound of our laughter fills the night air, but our joy is short-lived as we encounter a group of unruly individuals lurking in the shadows.

"Hey there, pretty lady! Looks like you had quite the day. Mind sharing the fun with us?"

I rolls my eyes, brushing off the crude remark. Taehyung tightens his grip on my hand, protective instincts kicking in.

"Sorry, boys,not interested.We have better things to do than spend time with mischief-makers like you". I said with an attitude.

"Oh, feisty one, ain't ya? Maybe you just need someone to show you a good time".

My expression darkens, but I try to maintain my calm.

"Trust me, you wouldn't know a good time if it slapped you in the face, which might actually be a good idea".

Taehyung, feeling uneasy, glances around and notices the growing number of men surrounding them. I whisper to him.

"Tae, use your powers. We need to get out of here!"

Taehyung, nervous and scared, stammers in response.

"I-I can't, Naya. My powers only work when I'm excited, and right now, I'm just terrified!"

My eyes widened in disbelief.

I confused and replied "Excitement? How on earth can I make you excited in the midst of all this chaos?"

The group of unruly individuals, growing bolder, surround me and Taehyung, blocking our escape route. One of them sneers.

"Who are you talking to, sweetheart? Your imaginary friend?"

I turn my attention to him, a mischievous glint in my eyes.

I teasingly "Oh, these boys are just captivated by my charm. Can't you see? But lucky for me, they're only visible to those with taste".

The unruly individuals exchange puzzled glances, unsure of how to react.

"You talk too much, girl. Maybe a little discipline will teach you some manners".

I mockingly "Oh, so you're going to be my disciplinary teacher? Sorry, I'm already enrolled in the school of "Don't mess with me."

Taehyung, unable to withstand their menacing words, takes a deep breath, hoping his powers will come to his aid. But nothing happens except a groan from him.

I, however, springs into action, surprising everyone as I effortlessly starts handling the situation like a pro, using my expert martial arts skills.

Taehyung amazed and shocked "Wait, Naya? You... know karate?"

I giving a sly smile "Oh, darling, there's a lot more to me than meets the eye. Karate is just one of my many talents. Now, let's finish this and get out of here!"


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