thirty . the evidence

Start from the beginning

"Before what?" He tells me to continue, setting the folder down.

"He forced me onto a date with him, he wouldn't let anyone near me, I asked for Wilbur to come to the pub Jared took me to and they got into a fight, Wilbur won and then we left" I explain what had happened that night. "It was the last time I saw him, we work at the same building but I didn't see him around anymore since I moved departments" I add, only a second later deciding to add more. "I was kidnapped, you know. Right? And.. well, I escaped through a window, and the house I saw when I looked back was eerily similar to Jared's. Maybe that's because it was the same house. Jack, I think my best friend kidnapped me" I worryingly admit. Jack hums and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms and eyeing me.

"Do you have any proof or evidence that it was truly him?" He questions me, grabbing the vanilla folder. My eyes widen and I go to say yes but he beats me to it. "In this folder here, we have this case. Did you know your best friend was reported four times for assaulting women at a college when he was eighteen?" He opens the folder, sliding a paper over to me.

I pick it up and read it over, seeing what Jack said was true. "Why wasn't he arrested?" I ask, sliding the paper back over to him.

"Apparently he got let off with warnings. Tell me though, do you have evidence?" He takes the paper and puts it back in the folder.

"I have a camera outside my front door and I saw him trying to break into my home, I have a broken window and I believe he used it to get inside. Then I also have all these letters that I've been being sent for years-- but the complex I lived in set on fire a few days ago, I was supposed to collect my belongings today but I was distracted by this" I spill what I had been wanting to tell authorities for the past few months. "I'm not sure if my bedroom caught on fire or not, but if it hasn't, then the evidence is still there"

Jack stands, placing his hands on the wooden table and looking down at me. "Well then let's go check this evidence out"

            Wilbur ran away while I went in that room for questioning

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            Wilbur ran away while I went in that room for questioning. When me and Jack exited the room and went where (I thought) Wilbur still was, we saw a piece of newspaper, it was messy origami, the type of origami where you only know what it is if the creator tells you what it is-- but that's not the point, Wilbur left it there and there was a message on it.

"I'm sorry.." I whisper to myself, staring down at the words on the crinkled newspaper, I had to unfold the origami to even find the message. Jack pats my shoulder, gaining my attention.

"Don't worry about him, we'll have to find him anyways to bring him in for questioning. We can find where he lives y'know" Jack points out. "So, which ones your flat?" He looks at the complex in front of us. I follow his gaze, staring at the slightly charred building.

"That one" I point to the ashy window, that only made me worry more. "I don't know if it's safe inside.." I mumble. I watch the front door open, seeing Lou walk out. "Oh, hey Lou" I call out to him.

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