4 the day before King landing

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Today was the day was the first word that came in my head this morning walking into the hallway getting ready with Kiara it all felt not right I could not understand what to feel l want to feel sad that I leaving my uncle and I want to feel happy that I am going with Helena and the Queen l want to laugh and l want to cry my heart is tight in my chest but my mind is loose and foggy l fear today but I can't see tomorrow l know my eyes are full of sorrow but I can't seem to cry l can't feel anything l step on the dock l looks to see my uncle and the queen l walk to them Lady Allison l say hello Reina dearest she said smiling l trust the morning was good yes morning have always been easy for me thank you for asking she looks at my uncle l will give you two some privacy her guard putting out his hand to help her on the boat uncle I say Reina he pull me in a hug l can feel his tears on my shoulder l will Miss you Uncle
as will l Reina dear my apologies my lady but the boat will be leaving soon my guard said l must go soon Uncle l say he pull away from the hug tears still drying on his face go l will not keep you any longer my guard putting his hand out to help me on the boat I start to walk out to the boat Reina my uncle shouts
l turned to him remember who you are remember you are Reina Royce of the veil the heir to the veil and no one can take that away from you no one can take that right from you l promise you uncle l will always remember who I am who I am destined to be
I know you won't he smiles
l Walk on the boat and turn to see members of the boat working my lady here comes with me l will take you to your room
yes of course l say when I Walk in my room I see my house color between white and blue for the veil

Today was the day was the first word that came in my head this morning walking into the hallway getting ready with Kiara it all felt not right I could not understand what to feel l want to feel sad that I leaving my uncle and I want to feel happy ...

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thank you guard
of course my lady you may leave l tell him when he leaves l sits on my bed only to hear a knock at my door l Walk to the door and go on my tippy toes to look through the hole l see Helena l open the door Helena what are you doing here
l just wanted to make sure you were all right I seen you and your uncle talking he was crying are you all right
l smile yes Helena thank you for checking on me
you are welcome cousin l made something for you
oh what is it l smile
she hands me a box it in there
l smile again thank you Helene l sit on my bed would you like to sit with me l say
she smiles and sits next to me
l Start to open the box and see a blue dress

thank you guard of course my lady you may leave l tell him when he leaves l sits on my bed only to hear a knock at my door l Walk to the door and go on my tippy toes to look through the hole l see Helena l open the door Helena what are you doing h...

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Now you can wear your house colors and I think it's more your style then green and all that stuff she smiles warmly at me

l am taking a back for a second l don't see a lot of people look at me like that my uncle of course my mother did as well but most people just pretend to care about me and I can tell the people who care and the people who don't l know that the queen came in hope that maybe they can get the veil on their side it was all to obvious that the queen did not like the princess rhaenyra she could see the queen for what she was but Helena was so sweet and kind she seemed so genuine l feels so bad compared to her she was as sweet as a flower so full of love Reina was full of hatred for her cunt of father for so many people that her could not count

l come back to my senses thank you so much Helena I love it she smiles again l will leave you to your thoughts we have a long way till we get to King landing mother said
thank you again Helena for the gift you are welcome cousin she smile l am alone once again laying down on my bed holding a dress in my lap what should I do my boredom could reach the sky right now l shell explore the ship l put my dress in my dresser put my shoes on and make my way to the deck of the ship l see crew members of the ship doing their work hosting the lines navigating the maps all boring things l sits on a chair close to the edge of the ship l see the water below in the distance I can even see dolphins unhand me you fools l hear someone yell l roll my eyes already guessing who it is l walk to the poor guards holding aegon by the arms he reeks of alcohol and whores l will take him good sirs I say to the guards they give me a thank you look and March back to their post aegon fall to the ground

dear Reina what can I do for you he says the alcohol on his breath hitting me like a punch

Nothing when your like this you reeks of alcohol
yes yes I know that Reina
come with me l say dragging him by the his hand l sits him on the chair l was sitting on and call for a another chair soon the chair comes and l sits on it

What are you doing cousin I have a awful headache all this moving is not helping aegon says he put his hands to his eyes as to block the sun l call to the servant to bring bread

The Prince is in need of bread please bring some
of course my lady
l do not want bread Reina aegon speaks you need some to sober you up the servant come back with bread and water on a Trey reina I do not want before he can finish his words l stuff the bread in his mouth he takes a bite of the bread giving up on fighting me

you are a very unlikeable person you know as are you l say with a smirk
your mad at me aren't you he says with a look why would I be mad do you have some thing to confess l speak with sarcasm
don't be coy it not a good look on you he take another bite of the bread l give him a look
don't tell me he smile let me Guess when you found out you were going to king landing l roll my eyes he looks at me again no not that really oh I know All the drama at your name day l roll my eyes at him yes l do believe l right he says smug l give him a stare as cold as ice oh come now rei I did not trick you l just didn't tell you that aemond send me besides you 2 make up right

l give a confused look when did you start calling me rei of All things he shrugs his shoulders suits you he takes a Drink of water he Play punches my shoulder your very strict you know and your very drunk Fair enough he laugh he starts to get up out of the chair goodbye for now my sweet rai he says waving goodbye l turn to the sea looking at the sunset l go back to my room and l lay down on my bed Kiara comes in and talk with me so what were you and the Prince talking about she asked me giggling we did nothing he was drunk so l shoved bread in his throat sure she says there is no sure we only did that l say smiling who do you like more she ask who are we talking about l answer

you know the princes l myself prefer aegon she says l like aemond l say smiling Playing with my hair
no you don't Kiara says yes I do he not as bad as I thought besides he good with a sword like me oh that why you like him she says smirking maybe I smirk back at her well enough talk about boys we have to get you ready for bed it a big day tomorrow she dresses me in a Cotton light blue night gown it is soft to the touch after she is done l climb in my bed okay I need to leave now she almost walking out the door wait l say she turn around can you leave a candle on please of course she smiles and lights a candle beside my bed then she leaves
l close my eyes tomorrow is a new day tomorrow l will be in king landing


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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