The Y/N Show (Kenny x Reader)

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The screen fades away into the channel's logo and you raise your hand to the backstage entrance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Kraaazy Kenny!"

The crowd builds to a deafening roar of applause as he casually walks out with his hands up showing off a gap tooth smile which had no doubt been a result of one of his stunts. He sits on the couch with his legs spread apart like he would at any one of his friends' houses. As the applause dies down, you hold your mic up and begin the interview.




"As I understand it, you've given a lot of physical aspects of yourself away through donations."

"That's correct Y/N."

Kenny leaned further back in his chair projecting his cool-guy stance. If he played it up it would hide the feeling of his stomach leaping up his throat. It was one thing to get millions of views online and another to have a physical audience in front of him, picking apart his every move.

"Are you worried that any of your family will see your content?"

"No ma'am, they're very supportive, they're in the crowd right now!"

Kenny breaks eye contact to wave to the front row, and the camera pans to his equally disheveled parents proudly jumping up and down and the crowd makes some noise.

"Amazing! It's a good thing you've got friends and family behind you. Now, what exactly got you started on making these kinds of videos?"

Oh shit.

Kenny shifted uncomfortably. He had no problem telling people in his circle but saying it out loud in front of a beautiful woman was something different.

"When I was younger I would just do stuff like that at school and kids would give me some cash or something and it just escalated..."

"Can you tell us about the first stunt you ever did?"

Kenny's heart raced. She was asking him questions he hadn't prepared for. Looking back, he'd done much more disgusting things on his channel but for some reason the thought of telling that story to her face made it seem even grosser. He adjusted the mic on his jacket sheepishly.

Just make something up! She'll never know, she wasn't there.

"I was dared to drink a little gasoline, nothing to cra-"

"That's bullshit!"

A grating voice came from behind him and Cartman waddled out from backstage.
The audience boo'd at his presence for interupting and he threw his hands up in the air in response.

"Whateva! Whateva! I do what I want!"

Kenny was in disbelief. The guys didn't tell him Cartman was coming on the show too. He did his best not to show his inner panic.

Cartman sat down on the couch next to Kenny, his weight sinking into the cushions.

"Y/N, Kinny will do just about anything for some change. It all started in elementary school. You see, when we were dissecting manatees-"

Kenny could feel the heat rising from his cheeks as Cartman continued.

"We dared him to eat its spleen for a dollar and he totally did it! Super quick too, left no mess."

The crowd audibly cringed and Y/N shook her head. Kenny felt the room start to spin.

"But that's not all he did that day."

South Park x Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora