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In this world, there are three traits each  person has. Alpha, beta, and lastly omega.

Alpha's are the strongest amongst the other two. They have a tough body build and could give off strong scent to other Alpha's as a warning.

Beta's, they really don't have the same traits as Alpha's. They don't really have a scent, but betas are simple and normal. Some can get pregnant, but some can't.

Omega's, these are on the last of the lists omegas are the ones that give birth to children. And are the weakest thus that they are made for producing kids for Alpha's and betas.

Male omega are rare. They are treated poorly and get raped, and for them to protect themselves, they use a collar and use cologne.

Heat times are the worst they produce, slike, and are in slight pain as they are in this state they could get pregnant also be taken advantage of as they are in their heat state.

Mates, in order for the alpha and beta to claim their lovers, they bit their mates as the bite mark let's others know they are taken.

Male Omega can claim their alpha's well the betas can't. The alpha bit mark will be permanent and is rare for them to let themselves get bitten.

The age when you get to know what your gender is 15 and 16, a mark will appear on your body.

A sunflower is an omega mark

Well, an alpha mark is a rose with thorns

A beta mark is a daisy

They can be anywhere on people's body's. Can't be shown unless the people ask what your mark is.

This is all that you need to know so far.

I'm doing a goyuu lovestory,
this ship i like it cause I can definitely see gojo with itadori.

Anyways, new story...
and you guessed it slow updates


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