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Pictures of Luna in Rome.

February 2010, 12 years old
POV Maria

We're walking through the streets of Rome during our holiday. It's only spring but already quite warm. The noise of the traffic and the talking of people around us makes us often remain silent while walking. Especially Luna seems to want to close herself off from the overwhelming noises and busy city. We've already seen some highlights of the city. Now we're on the way to the Trevi fountain. Emily and Luna want to take selfies there. A must for teenage girls, we understand.

The Trevi fountain is the last thing we do today. We are walking away from the crowd and are walking through the neighborhoods. Luna points out to the colors of the houses. 'Look how beautiful. Pink, yellow, red. That's what we should do in our country, than the sun will shine when it doesn't shine.'

I laugh at her. 'Your room is grey. Maybe we should paint it pink too?' She stares at me with a look that says: you don't understand anything. I have an uneasy feeling about Luna. She loves ice cream but she refuses to eat ice creams on this holiday. She really enjoys eating in nice restaurants, but she never finishes her plate. Emily doesn't think that I should whine so much when I say something about it and Robert (father) doesn't worry either. I might be seeing things.


POV Maria

Luna's hockey team already started the competition when I walk towards the sideline. I'm late, there was a lot to take care of with the club. My eyes are looking for Luna between the running girls. She standing still on the sideline. Something in me is making me anxious. Why is she standing still? She never stands still. Luckily she starts walking again.

Her stick takes out the the ball but she misses. I can tell by her face how angry she is at herself. It's nothing for her to miss. She's chasing the girl who has the ball but can't catch up with her. Suddenly I notice she's slower than usual. And also how thin her legs are. That stupid weight loss...

I should force her to weigh herself in front of me. Maybe she lost more weight than I thought. Or would she not like hockey as much as she used to? When she walks off the field after the competition I see how tired she is. And suddenly I know for sure: something is very wrong.

(Luna on the hockey field.)


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