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"ummm.. then we can cover the area where guest will seat and bride and groom just have to stand there for a small time so we will arrange fans there so.. how is it.." 

Daizy nodded and they start to decorate palce and Daizy select multiple types of cake and food manu.. Tae was correcting the mistakes and he was so damn tired..

In the after noon he complete the engagement plan also as the bride was so choosy for her engagement theme so tae had to suffer a lot..

Business event sattled by his manager and then he Just look up at the arrangements..

Jungkook was working on his new project and he was happy that the staff and other members are really smart and knowlagable so he didn't have to work on them.. 

he easily got his position in the market in this 4 months as his staff is really harworking and supporting also he was handling Korea branch so sometime's he get frustrated but when both lover meet each other at the night they get relex in each other's arms ...

Jungkook off his laptop and pack his things take his car keys and leave the office.. He was tired but happy that now he will meet his baby..

tae also pack up his things and get out of the office and drove off from the office.. 

Jungkook stop his car to the flower shop and buy beautiful rose..

Tae is already home and then he went to help Jin and Mrs. Kim in the kitchen..

" how was your day baby bear" Jin asked lovingly..

" It was hell tiring hyungie.." Tae said sitting on the edge of the kitchen counter..

"aww.. then go and freshen up.." Jin said,,

" no I want to help you.." 

"NOOO.. You come from outside and you are full of jerms so go and clean yourself and I'm here to help him ." Mrs. Kim said sternly..

"mom don't scold him" Jin said chuckling..

"Nobody loves me.." Tae pout and hug Jin from behind..

"Yahhh.. you pig get off him you will send him jerms.." Mrs. Kim said and slap his back.

"aowwww.. mom don't hit me.." Tae said and run to the room and Jin and Mrs. Kim laugh at him..

Tae reach to the room.. he straight went to the bathroom and fill his bathtub with warm water and add some bath salts..

Jungkook come home and greet mrs. kim and jin they also greet him.. he hide the rose in his bag he don't want to embaress himself infront of them.. he went to his room and take off his coat and hang it on a hanger..

he loose his tae oh soryy.. Tie.. and notice that tae's bed is ther to means he is home too.. he notice that bathroom door is locked as tae was bathing..

He went to use guestroom's bathroom as he was feeling so tired.. he also take warm shower..

Tae get out of the shower wearing his night suit.. which is black tee shirt and black trouser..

he was combing his hair after drying when he felt two musculer arms and smiled when his favorite scent hit his nostrails. 

"how was your day koo.." tae asked placing his own hands on Jungkook's ..

"hmm it was good but very tiring.." Jungkook mumble in his neck..

"mine too.. " tae said looking at the mirror.. Jungkook also look at them and look at tae in the mirror.. 

"tae.. why are this beautiful.." Jungkook asked lovingly and kiss tae's cheek..

"like you are this handsome.." tae said and smile..

Jungkook smile at tae's comment..

"I brought something for you.." Jungkook said and tae make quetion face.. Jungkook leave tae's waist and open his bag and take out he beautiful flower.. then again come closer to him and look at him and then flower deciding that which flower is more beautiful..

"rose.." tae said and look at Jungkook with smile.. Its been long time when Jungkook brought rose for him..

Jungkook tuck that rose in tae's hair .. and kiss his forehead lovingly and tae close his eyes in bliss.. His all tiredness is gone..

Jungkook take him to the mirror again and make him look at himself again hug him from behind..

"look at yourself love.. how can I resist this  pure beauty..." Jungkook whisper in tae's ear and tae's face turn whole red like tomato..

" you look so ethreal when you blush.." Jungkook said and kissed tae's ear and side of neck..

tae turn and look at Jungkook with pure love and Jungkook was admiring him so lovingly..

both lean to each other closed the gap.. both of them kissing each other so lovingly.. 

their kiss was not in any hurry.. that is so soft and full of love.. 

they hugged each other tight and jungkook kissed his shoulder and caresses his waist .. Tae's waist is so small that it fit in Jungkook's large hand very perfactly.. (me crying in the corner because I have a fat ass waistT_TT_)

"TAE JUNGKOOK NAMJOON  COME HERE DINNER IS READY" Mrs. Kim yelled from the downstairs..

Tae and Jungkook set thair hair and then come to the downstairs..

namjoon and mr. kim also come to the dining table and sit there.. jin also seated beside of namjoon and mr and mrs kim set beside of each other and tae and jungkook seat beside each other.. tae was eating peacfully when he notice that everyone is laughing silently and looking at him only.. he was confused..

"is there anything on my face that you all are laughing.' tae asked with done face..

" no baby.. we are laughing because someone is so romentic" Jin said..

"what do you mean?" tae asked.

"btw Jungkook the rose is looking so beautiful and fresh give me the address of the shop.." namjoon said and chuckle at tae.. tae wide his eyes and touch the rose which is still on his hair..and he was whole tomato..

"u-umm hyung..Its not like-' Jungkook was also red out of embaressment and trying to explain but Mr. Kim cut him off..

"its ok young man and I'm proud of you that my son-in-low is like me... you know I also brought roses for her whenever she got engry of soemtimes no reason.. Its good to brought flowers as they show how much we love them" Mr. Kim said and Mrs Kim hit his shoulder..

"what are talking kim.. infront of kids.." Mrs kim also blushing.

"now they are not kids anymore honey.. they are mature enough.." mr kim grin at them and then they finish their dinner while laughing and joking..

when they get in to their rooms.. tae was hitting Jungkook on his back and chest and biceps..

Jungkook was saying sorry while resisting his cute husbands baby hits..

Jungkook hold tae's both hands in his and pull him closer.. Tae was huffing little while glaring cutely at Jungkook..

"you dead head bunny can't you just tell me to take of the rose now Jin hyung and dad are going to tease me for a life.." Tae said pouting..

"I'm sorry baby.. and its ok they are family and also cool enough to understand that how much I love you.." Jungkook slowly leave Tae's hand and hug him.. tae nodded and hug him back.. they cuddle each ohter and sleep peacefully in each other's arms..

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