ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

223 10 60

*Bold is Na'vi - Italics is Jake's narration, emphasis, or thoughts (you'll know)

"Link's ready!" Max said as Jake got himself situated in the pod.

"Just keep your mouth shut. Let Y/n and Norm do the talking." Grace told him. I smiled to myself as my pod lid shut and I let the link go through.

The loud sounds of the helicopter scared flying creatures as we passed over a lake with waterfalls. I smiled and took deep breaths of the fresh air, my feet hanging out of the helicopter. As we flew across the side of a waterfall Jake let out a yell of excitement, I followed his actions with a smile, holding my hand out in an attempt to touch the water.

Eventually we landed on a green patch in the forest, before the helicopter landed completely I jumped out and looked up. Amazement filled my veins at the tall trees.

Once Grace got out she signaled to Trudy to shut down the helicopter.

"Shut it down. We're gonna stay a while," She said through our communication pieces, Trudy obliged. "Norm, your pack." Grace reminded Norm and the boy went back to the helicopter to grab it.

"My pack,"

"Stay with the ship. One idiot with a gun is enough," She told the human soldier who came along with us. I paid them no mind as I gently touched the ferns surrounding us with a smile. I had never seen an alive fern in real life before.

Jake, Grace, and Norm began walking deeper into the forest and I ran up to them, running in front of the group, causing each of them to let out laughs.

"Someone's excited," Grace laughed.

I turned around to face them as I walked backwards. "Who wouldn't be?" I responded.

Jake pointed his gun to every sound he heard. One being a pack of blue and yellow things which greatly resemble monkeys. Prolemuris.

"Careful." I warned jokingly. "They might bite you." I said, bearing my fangs and mimicking biting.

Grace rolled her eyes. "Prolemuris. They're not aggressive," She told Jake who hesitantly lowered his gun. "Relax, Marine. You're making me nervous." Grace said as she walked in front of him, coming close behind me.

"So, how will they know we're here?" Norm asked.

"I'm sure they're watching us right now." Grace told us. I looked up in the trees, but couldn't see a thing.

"Keep moving, Norm." Jake told the boy.

"Keep up, guys, Dora The Explorer over here is trying to run away from us," Grace told them and I laughed at her comment.

"Hola," I said.

A little later Grace stuck a needle in the root of a tree, "And here I go,"

"Scanning," Norm said and his eyes widened. "Oh, wow! It's that fast?"

Grace laughed and I smiled at her from where I was sitting. She was a lot happier in her avatar then as a human.

"Amazing, isn't it?"


I noticed Jake looking around, seemingly bored at the two scientists getting excited over trees. I looked at him with curiosity, taking the time to study Jake in his avatar form. In my opinion, the avatar resembled Jake more than it did Tommy. Might just be because it has his idiocy though. He began to walk into the forest and I sighed, standing from my seat and quickly wiping off dirt from my ass. I followed him, someone had to keep him out of trouble.

sᴇʟᴄᴏᴜᴛʜ (ᴛsᴜ'ᴛᴇʏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) (ʀᴇᴡʀɪᴛᴇ)Where stories live. Discover now