ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ

180 8 14

*Bold is Na'vi - Italics is Jake's narration, emphasis, or thoughts (you'll know)

 "So, how much link time have you logged?" Grace asked Norm and I as we walked through the door to the link room, Jake wheeling behind us.

"Uh, about 520 hours." Norm answered and Grace looked at me.

I winked at Norm, "Almost 700 hours, ma'am."

"That's good." She pointed to a link. "Norm, you're in there, Y/n, the one right next to him."


She glanced back at Jake, "You're here. How much have you logged?" She asked him.

"Zip. But I read a manual." He answered and I laughed quietly as I got myself situated.

"Tell me you're joking." Grace said as the scientist closed the lid to the link.

"This is cool." Was the last thing I heard before closing my eyes.

By instinct, my eyes squinted when they reopened, bright lights being shown into them.

"That's bright." I muttered as two small faces came into view.

"Y/n? Y/n, can you hear me?" A female asked and I nodded with a smile. I lifted my hand to see the deep blue skin of my avatar.

"Okay, can you sit up for us?" I nodded and lifted myself into a sitting position, carefully swinging my long legs over the side.

"Can you speak?"

"Yes, ma'am. I might cry if I can't." I said, happiness in my tone as I winked at the scientist who laughed.

Norm's avatar gained consciousness and I waved to him with a bright smile, he returned the gesture as doctors began asking him questions as well.

"Okay, you're all good. Just take it slow, alright?" The doctor said as she joined the other face over Jake's avatar. I slowly stood and stretched out my limbs. Those capsules did not do my joints good as multiple cracks could be heard.

"Damn, Y/n, bubble wrap, much?" Norm joked and I flipped him off with a smile.

"He's in. Jake, can you hear me? Can you hear me, Jake?"

The doctor asked and I looked over to Jake's avatar who had now opened his eyes. Jake was awake.

"Pupillary reflex is good." The male informed with a nod. The female snapped on either side of his head.

"Pinna response normal. How are you feeling Jake?" She asked him as I carefully went to grab my clothes so I could change out of my gown.

"Hey, guys," He said, his voice slightly coarse due to lack of use. I walked into a small space behind a curtain and removed the gown, listening intently to what was happening as I changed.

"Welcome to your new body, Jake."

"Good," the female praised.

"Yeah, we're gonna take this nice and easy, Jake."

"Oh, you're going to sit up, that's fine." I walked out of the changing area and handed a scientist my gown with a smile before going to sit back on the bed to watch Jake, who was now sitting up.

"Okay, good. Just take it easy, Jake," The male warned again, I began to get slightly worried at what would happen. "Okay, well, no truncal ataxia, that's good."

"Are you feeling lightheaded or dizzy at all?" Another female doctor asked as Jake marveled at the fact that he could move his feet. I laughed as he looked at them with wide eyes and he looked over with an open mouthed smile.

"You're wiggling your toes!"

"Are you feeling any numbness or pain?"

Jake swung his legs over the side and I stood back up, ready in case he decided to take off.

"That's great, Jake. Hold on, now." The male doctor told him.

"Woah, woah, woah,"

"Take it easy. Don't get ahead of yourself, okay? There's a few more sensory motor reflex tests we need to run, so take it easy." Jake began to stand. "Jake. Sit down, Jake. Jake, listen to me Jake."

"Hey, Jake," I started and he looked at me with amazement in his eyes. I smiled. "I know, I know. This is really cool, but you need to take it easy." He stumbled as the doctors called him to sit down. His tail touched his arm and he looked back.

He turned, trying to find it again, but instead knocked a bunch of things off the table with it. The doctors talked about sedating him as Max came on over the intercom, warning Jake that he wasn't used to his avatar body and needed to go slowly.

"This is great," Jake smiled.

"Come on, they're gonna put you out," Norm warned but Jake ignored him and instead burst through the door. I sighed and walked out after him, assuring the scientists I was fine. I took a shortcut around the fields he was running through and ran into Grace.

"Hey, Grace," I greeted and she looked at me.

"L/n, liking it?"

"Loving it.

She laughed, "Good, come on, we have a rogue Marine to catch."

We walked over to Jake, who was by the fruit plants.

"Hey, Marine!" Grace called out, catching his attention.

"Grace?" He questioned.

"Well, who'd you expect, numbnuts?" She said as she grabbed a fruit and threw it to him. Jake easily caught it. I took this moment to quietly marvel at all the greenery this planet had to offer. I smiled, knowing this was only a small fraction of it and soon enough, I'd be able to see it all.

"Motor control's looking good." She observed.

He took a bite of the fruit and its juices dripped down his chin as his smile somehow widened even more at the taste.

Grace and I smiled at him while laughing.

It was getting darker now and all the avatars went to one big cabin to rest.

"Come on, everybody, quiet down!" Grace called out. "All right, gang, lights out. Come on, Luise, chop chop."

I sat on the bed next to Jake's and observed him as he studied his queue.

"Don't play with that, you'll go blind." Grace warned.

"That's kind of freaky," He pointed out but let his braid fall anyways.

"You're kind of freaky." I responded and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Come on, scat," She ushered the humans out and closed the gate, locking it before turning the lights off. "Lights out! See you at dinner, kiddies." We all laid down.

I silently listened to the sounds of the forest and wondered what else was out there. Who else?

After a few minutes of thinking, I finally allowed myself to close my eyes and break the link. I pushed open the lid of the pod and made a face of distaste. Norm, Grace, and Max all peered over the pod with worried looks.

"What's with the faces?" I asked as I sat up and cracked my knuckles.

"They thought something went wrong when your consciousness traveled through your bodies," Jake said as he sat himself in his wheelchair.

"And I'm guessing you didn't care?" I responded and he smiled at me.

"Not at all."


I'm really trying to focus on Jake and Y/n's friendship some more here. I feel like in last book they barely had any friend bonding time and it was just assumed they were best friends, you know?

Favorite Omaticayan Na'vi (other than our bae, Tsu'tey)?

Mine is Mo'at, she's my spirit animal. 

Also most of the questions will probably be favorite... until I can come up with something else. 

I hope you enjoyed, bye bye

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