Harem Candidates

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I'm sending this one to ask for suggestions for candidates for Turo's harem.

But there are two things that need to be present in these suggestions for me to definitively accept them.

How they met:

Why fell in love:

And if you want to suggest a character of your own, there will be a basic information sheet below.




Age (From 17 years old):


Home Planet:

Midi-Chlorians Count (Maximum 25,000):


Appearance of the Lightsaber (By image. You can find it on Pinterest):

Lightsaber Color:


Appearance (By image or description):

How can appear:

And that's it. I'll be waiting.

I would appreciate it if you could help me.

NOTE 1: You can send as many as you want.

NOTE 2: You can send Genderbend too, if you want.

NOTE 3: The Midi-Chlorians count and Lightsaber information are in case you want to send Force-sensitive tokens.

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