Chapter 2-the dream

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For lunch I sit next to Jeff, Thomas on my left.

"Jeff, what job do you do?" I ask the boy beside me. "I'm the keeper of the medjacks." he tells me "I can show you after lunch, I think it's the next job you'll try." . Newt who was listening to us nodds "He's right, Ruby you can go with him after lunch.". I smile at Jeff, I already like him.

When I finish eating, Thomas takes my tray back to the kitchen. I thank him quickly, before following Jeff, who is waiting for me outside of the dining hall.

"And here's the medjack tent. Clint is probably patching up a slicer, I can show you what we do." Jeff leads me through the tent, showing me everything. The walls doesn't have windows but are wooden, so there is sun shining through the gabs, creating a comfortable atmosphere inside. On a few tables there are also candles, which they probably use in the evening. The only other person in the tent is a brunette boy, cleaning a table.

"Hey Clint! This is Ruby. Ruby this is Clint." Jeff indroduces us. "Hi." I say. "Hi, Jeff can you show her around, I have to go in a few minutes. Need to help Alby with something." Clint asks Jeff after giving me a short smile. "Yeah sure, I wanted to do it anyway." Jeff responds. Clint waves us goodbye, before he leaves the tent.

Jeff turns around to talk to me "As you can see there isn't much going on in here. We don't have many people injuring themselves, besides the slicers. If you want to be a medjack, I highly recommend a hobby for all of the free time you have in here. I for example like to write in my free time. Clint often takes walks or helps in the kitchen." he goes on "Here are the medical advices. You can help me taking care of the next person that comes in." I nodd at him.

"I heard you screaming in the morning, did ya have a nightmare?" Jeff suddenly asks me. "Yeah it was a nightmare. Sorry I woke you up." I make a grimace at him. "No it's okay, I had them to a long time ago." he tells me, understanding.

"How long have you been here, Jeff?" I ask him, scared of the answer. "Two years." he says, looking to the ground.

"I'm sorry for that." I say. "It's probably good I can't remember anything, this way I don't know what I'm missing out there.". That's deep. "Wow I never thought about it that way." I tell him "I'm just scared we were send here, because we are criminals or something.". He faces me, interested in what I said "Well I don't wanna live in a world that does this to children. Even if they are criminals." I really like Jeff. He says all those wise things. Makes me feel understood.

A knock on the door interrupts us "It's Gally, I accidentally cut myself. Have to get it patched up." the boy, Gally joins us in the tent. When he sees me he stops for a moment, but then he goes over to Jeff, who mentions Gally to sit down.

Gally sits down on the chair, laying his arm on the table beside him. There is a small cut on his arm and it's bleeding. Jeff goes over to him and glances at the wound "Ruby, can you give me the disinfection spray?". I search for the spray and I find it a few meters away from me. I reach it to Jeff. Jeff then takes care of the wound, asking me questions about what I think he should do next. I answer correctly every time.

When Gally leaves the tent, he nodds at me as a goodbye. I wave at him.

Jeff cleans the table, before turning around to me "Ruby I don't know if you want to be a medjack, but you are obviously talented when it comes to medical themes. Maybe you were interested in medicine in your past life." I grin at him "I'd love to be a medjack! And in my free time I could hang out with Thomas, Minho and Newt. And of course with you if you want to." He smiles at me "Sounds great, I'm gonna go talk to Newt after dinner. Maybe you won't have to tryout all the other jobs." "Yeah, I heard about the slicers during breakfast and I'd like to avoid that." He laughs "If you want to you can have some free time now, I'm gonna stay here, but it doesn't look like, there will be any other visitors today."

 𝐀𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 - maze runner, ThomasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang