0. Prologue「🦇」

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"I already told you, Coiny. The grotatoes are for me first and you second!" Fries responded to a whiny Coiny as the two, alongside Pin headed towards Fries' grotatoe field.

"Aww.. come on, Fries! Just one grotatoe!"

"They've barely started growing! And I desperately need them to live!"

"Dont worry, Coiny. You can gets some of them another time!" pin reassured him, patting Coiny's back.

"But, Fries. If you don't mind me asking. why did you choose to plant them so far away from the abandoned homes we're all staying in?" pin asked as she moved next to the salty batch of fries. Well.. fry.. more likely.

"Because its hard to find the most perfect soil to plant to grotatoes in! Theres barely any spots where I can properly plant them. And I don't want to be repeatedly revived so I kind of have to do all this gardening shmuck..  "

"Wouldn't that risk something eating or stealing the grotatoes?"

"Well.. yes. But I doubt it could be that bad I did plant alot of the- WHAT?!"

the trio stood infront of what was formerly the grotatoe plants that were being eaten by a whole bunch of bats.

"Wha- You all! Shoo shoo!!"

"Fries, careful! They could be dangerous!" Pin warned him.

"Bats? In yoyle city?" Coiny remarked, cringing and backing away as they were a little too close for comfort.

"I've never seen any bat's around here before... neither at this time of day!" Pin remarked, stumbling backwards as one fluttered to another plant, "Neither have I seen a bat this big either!"

"They're eating all my plants over here! Help!!" Fries shouted.

"It's no use trying to get them off, Fries. There are too many!" Pin pulled him back.

"Well I need them gone right now! I'm kind of desperate to keep my grotatoes alive!"

"Hmm..  What if we asked Golf ball or Tennis ball? Golf ball helped me get my new limbs so maybe she and TB can help get rid of those bats!" Pin said, confident.

"Those two things are completely different! " Fries scoffed.

"Well it's worth trying, right?" She shrugged.

The trio stood there in silence for a while before agreeing to search for the two balls.


"Still no news from the viewers?" Golf ball impatiently asked, watching Tennis ball pace around the room of an abandoned battery museum.

"I told you GB, I have no idea." He whined.

The two haven't had much to do these few days. We'll there were some object complaining about a few pest issues they still had to deal with but they haven't exactly found the 'pests'anywhere so the two haven't really had a chance to use their newly made gadget.

"Why are we even here?" TB asked, eyeing a few of the batteries that were still put up on display.

"You tell me!" GB rolled her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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