Especially since she was the reason behind the girl's anger anyways.

"Stop staring."

Beyoncé flinched back at the feeling of the french fry Kelly used to poke her nose.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She exclaimed smacking her upside the head but Kelly just kept up her laughter.

"There isn't anything wrong with me but there's definitely something wrong with you and Onika's relationship."

"First of don't use the word 'relationship' and second of all are you some sort of psychologist or something? How would you know."

"I'll use the word 'relationship' if I like and also the whole staring thing you been doing has been going on for well over a week now."

"I've not been staring." Beyoncé denies rolling her eyes.

"Shut your lying ass up, you have. I mean if you could drill holes with your eyes, she'd probably be dead by now."

Beyoncé just sighs out in reply lying her head down on the table.

"Tell me. What did you do?"

Beyoncé shakes her head looking to Onika's table once again and this time their eyes had connected and Beyoncé was the first to look away when Kelly had whispered, "Tension.."

"You're right I did do- well say something."

Kelly not wanting to say anything lest Beyoncé stopped talking motions for her to carry on, "I disregarded her feelings and acted like a douchebag all because of my stupid jealousy."

"Good, now you've admitted that out loud you can go apologize to her."

Beyoncé just looks to Onika's table before picking at her still untouched lunch.

"I know you like her Bey. It's pretty obvious and I know she likes you too which is even more obvious. You just got to learn to handle situations better so you don't sabotage things for yourself."

Beyoncé had to think on everything that had happened since Onika came into her life.

Her clinginess which Beyoncé didn't seem to mind, Her breakfast in bed which never seized to warm Beyonce's heart, her stupidly sweet caring nature.. everything really.

"Maybe I do like her..."

"Mhmm, that's what I said." Kelly smirks in all cockiness "Also apologize to her you big douchebag."

Beyoncé slaps her upside the head again for the back handed comment.


"I'm sorry Onika. I shouldn't have said what I said to you and I know it was really low of me and I feel really bad about it. My jealousy lead me to saying that and I know I'm a big idiot. I just didn't like the fact that you and Robyn were hanging out so much and I know I have no right to feel that way and for that reason I'm truly sorry." Beyoncé says all in one breath her eyes trained to the floor in a way disappointed at herself.

For a long time she doesn't hear anything from Onika leaving her to believe the girl had just ignored her like she'd been doing for the past one week over.

"How many times are you going to apologize Beyoncé and not mean it? What you say hurts Bey. It does." Came Onika's soft voice soon after.

A voice she'd been craving to hear for a very long time.

Beyoncé hangs her head even more low if that was even possible, her hair posing as a curtain to shield her guilt ridden face.

"I mean it this time really. I promise if I ever hurt you again you have all rights to never talk to me again."

"And throw one of your books out the window."

Beyoncé physically cringes at that, muttering a soft, "And throw one of my books out the window."

"Good. You're now forgiven but still on probation."


"Turn off the lights I wanna sleep."


Aww Beyoncé is slowly realizing her feelings ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)




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