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MALACHII: malachi
MIMII: momona


MALACHII: the what ..

MIMII: hell yeah

KIMMYGZZZ: the trampoline park idiot

MALACHII: yeah lemme get ready

MIMII: why are ppl shipping u and mason ..

KIMMGGZZ: yk how the fans are mi😭

MIMII: ask them to stop

KIMMYGZZZ: it's fine let them be delusional

MALACHII: i'm outside kimora open the door

MIMII: i'll be there in a half an hour

I went to go open my door for malachi who just had a phone and a pair of socks. "why do you have socks...?" i asked.

"you wear these to the trampoline park.." he responded.

"yeah , you buy them.."

"i don't. i already have a pair so i bring it."

"smart." Mo arrived, malachi answered the door.

"Brady get your ass downstairs and come drive me and my friends to the trampoline park!" i yelled.

brady came downstairs. "i'm coming too."
What?! this was not planned. it's the 3 of us not fucking core four.

"core four i guess." malachi joked, i didn't laugh but momona giggled a lot.

Brady payed for the 4 of us and we headed to the trampolines. "wanna see what i can do?" Malachi asked the 3 of us. he then back flipped on the trampoline

"cool." brady responded to his backflip.

"if i knew how to backflip that'd be my response to everything." i said.

"that's dumb." Malachi responded

"i'd backflip to that." I said flipping Malachi off.

We were jumping for an hour and a half until we got bored and left, that was fun. "do you want me to drop you off or are you staying?" brady asked my 2 friends.

"we were gonna stay but we don't have our bags." malachi responded."

"you can borrow ours." i told the duo,my brother nodded and continued driving.

KIMORA ,, MASON THAMESWhere stories live. Discover now