Chapter 1

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When Taylor said " I knew you were trouble when you walked in " ,

it strikes me that it was accurate.

Even though we have been married for two damn years nothing have been same as the first time I met him.

Looks like I was blind then and i overlooked his red flags .

" Y/n?! Where is my shirt?!" He was shouting from the room upstairs.

" Which one?"

" The grey one come on "

" It's in the wardrobe !!! Why can't you just find a thing even after knowing it must be there ?!"

No reply.

This was not the first time happening.
He pisses her off literally at everything.

Jake comes down looking emotionless , " pack my lunch and send it to me by the maid and take care of Jason "

Y/n rolled her eyes . " I made the breakfast"

Jake : Look I am already late don't piss me off .

Y/n : Now that i know everything you started to avoid me right?

Jake : Just don't assume things -

Y/n shuts the door and walks off upstairs where Jason their one year old boy was sleeping.

Why did you have to do this Jake?
Am I not the right one for you?
And u didn't even think about Jason and -

She was sobbing lightly sitting on the bed beside her son.



" Y/n show your presentation, my hopes are high "

Y/n takes a deep breath and gets up to start her presentation.

By the end of her PowerPoint presentation everyone remained quiet....which was making her anxious...
" So here it ends , thanks"

The whole office filled with sounds of claps and cheers .

All of the seniors and boss were satisfied with her and as an advisor she worked well .

Finally getting so much praise after so long.

Y/n pov

" Thanks everyone, it made me happy that you all are satisfied with this in one go"

Boss: Y/n , I look forward to your more performances following years.

Guys you can't even believe how much happy I am that finally i found something to distract me off my thoughts.

Since he left me , my days and nights are all bitter ...
Jason is growing up and I need resources so I used my MBA degree to get a job as a business advisor.

How much I wished to have a happy family like my friends but I don't think now i will be ever get over him to marry another.

I divorced him after finding his affair with a girl named Sarah in the bar ... I waited for him to say sorry and continue in some other place but guess what he told that we aren't meant to be together and he has already fallen in love with that girl.

And what about me? And Jason who is the result of our love? He replied that he cannot take his responsibility because Sarah won't be happy.

And now I am a single mother who looks pathetic to people's eyes and I am not complaining.
I am pathetic and till today I hope everything becomes normal again and he comes and says that it was a joke.

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