14. she's mine

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the present _ now


I see Evelyn taking another shot and than she turns to us with a smile, blowing us a kiss. Than she turns around and heads toward the waterfall, probably going to the cave behind it.

I grip the glass of my drink harder and drink it.

"You should get your girl before Damon does." Will teases me and I look up, seeing Damon following Evelyn into the cave.

I don't reply and instead walk toward the cave myself, not wanting Damon do anything to her, alright maybe I am a little bit overprotective but she's mine to fuck with, mine to kiss and mine to hold in my bed.

I walk straight through the falls, getting drenched. I push my wet hair back and look at Evelyn pressed against the wall with a flirty smile on her face and Damon hovering over her.

"Damon!" I say in a warning tone.
Evelyn looks up at me and we make eye contact, Damon slowly turns his head, sending me a dark challenging look.

"Weren't you the one saying you wanted her to remember what happened three years ago?" Damon mocks me and leans closer to her. I fist my hands, it takes everything in me not to punch him across the face.

"But I do quite remember things." Evelyn pipes in, sending me a smirk and places one hand on Damon's arm, pushing her body against his. Oh, now you want to play.

"Tell me." Damon says teasingly and looks down at her again, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"We had some fun in the hot tub, chased me around in my own house in his red mask, believe me when I say I was scared but turned on at the same time." She answers and looks at me, desire and something else in her eyes I can't decipher.

"Than he slept with me." Something stirs inside of me when she didn't say we only fucked because looking back at it now, I realize that wasn't all of it. Not the way I held her in my arms after that or the way we talked.

"I can promise you that I can give you a better time than Michael did."
Her eyes linger on me a second longer when she looks up at him.

"Maybe, but I'm not interested. Maybe go find someone else." She replies and I see Damon's eyes darken but what surprises me as that he backs away and saunters out of the cave, giving me a glance.

I clench my jaw and walk towards her, gripping her hips and pushing her against my body her hands instantly find their way to my chest.

"I think we need to get something clear-"

"What? Because you're jealous? You wanted to play a game so don't be mad at me!" She snaps back and I tighten my hold on her.
"We need to get something clear," I repeat and stare into her gold brown eyes, "You're mine, you're mine to fuck, mine to kiss and mine to hold. None of my friends will lay a hand on you. You were mine three years ago and now you're mine as well, do you understand?" I say, my voice low and threatening.

She gulps slightly and I can feel her breath on my lips, she's so close to give in. I can see it in her eyes. I cup her jaw and kiss her lips softly.

"Evelyn, please."

"No." She whispers and something in my heart tugs. She pushes me away and her eyes are cold.

"You don't own me." Eve hisses and turns around, walking away and I let her go, seeing her disappear on the other side of the waterfall.

"Fuck!" I hit the wall opposite me and run my hands down my face.

What the hell is wrong with me? I don't do feelings, I never did.

Than why were you jealous? Why are you angry?

I groan and walk through the waterfall and look around, trying to spot her but I see her dress by the pool is gone. I walk towards my friends.

"What did you say to her? It looked like she was ready to run." Kai asks and I see Damon smirking.

"Nothing." I reply and take a beer and drink it, looking around again.

"If you're looking for her, she's gone. Went with Alex." Will adds and I nod. She probably asked her for a ride, earlier it looked like they were somehow close.
"I need to head back home." I say and they nod, staying in the pool.
I step out of it and grab a towel, getting changed and driving home.

We need to find out who leaked the goddamn videos because I have basketball as a distraction but the boys need something to hold on to because Kai is turning more and more inward, Damon is a ticking bomb and I'm pretty sure Will can't get through the day without a drink anymore.

I thought they’d slowly start re-acclimating to life and the possibilities of what their futures hold, but it is getting worse, not better. This bullshit needs to end and I need them back on track. Pretty  soon, those three years away will just seem like a bad memory.

They’d been offered jobs, places within their family’s circles to get their lives going again, but none of them wanted to even talk about it. They didn’t even want to see any family or spend time in Thunder Bay.

My friends, my brothers, are dead on the inside and the more I think about what happened, the more it doesn't make sense. I thought about the question constantly over the years but never came up with who posted the videos.

I need to find out who did it, a distraction from Evelyn.


Author's note:

I can't get them together so fast and easily, so I thought I bring some angst in it ;)
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