39: Keeping Her Hands Clean.

Start from the beginning

Or for her.

"Not like we have any proof anyway,"

"Hm, no, but you haven't seen her ever since summer break and nearing the end of our vacation, the materials being published slowed down a lot,"

Almost like they ran out of stuff to post...

"Still doesn't mean much, whoever it is could've been on their own vacation?"

"You'll keep going in circles at this rate," another voice snaps us out of our brainstorm.

Our gazes snap off each other and to the two wonderful men watching us by the doorway. "Tell me about it," Julian walks up to them, snuggling Asher into his arms while sharing a kiss with taller of the two.

Without thinking, I end up watching them intently. The way they touch each other so... effortlessly. I almost wonder how they do it, but deep down I know how.

They just... know.

There's never any trick to it. It's the time they took to learn about each other. Their likes and dislikes. The different joys and icks they find in various situations. The way they kiss and the way they touch. Each of them has a different way of expressing themselves and yet they seem to tangle together in such a way that it really seems like magic to me.

We have all the time in the world to learn about each other, it's just that first step past my hesitancy that I have to get past before I can initiate anything.

"How was your day?" Two kisses to the back and side of my head bring me back to the present.

"It was fine, we were just talking about Cadence before you walked in," I explain further, bringing my tea back up to my lips to shake the thoughts from my mind.


And so the explanation that I've been playing on repeats plays itself once more while Julian cooks and Asher tries his best to help while listening intently. He may or may not have dropped a few slices of potato along the way.

"Ah, I mean, it's a possibility,"

I nod at them, my head dropping to my crossed arms on the dining table.

"Alright, enough with all that, let's enjoy our night guys," Asher pulls out a bottle of champagne I didn't even notice he was hiding behind his back. A large grin pulling at his cheeks, showcasing his dimples that I've come to adore and strive to see on a daily basis.

"For the orange season, we have an idea that we'll do in the mountains this year," Flora is pacing the room back and forth and scanning her clipboard for a moment or two before turning to us. "We have a few more models to add to this line up and a couple singers who'll take part further into the season as well,"

Sketches of this year's idea are put up onto the wall in front of us and the designs look absolutely stunning. "There will be a lot of going up and down the mountains depending on the photos we'll be trying to get," she points to some of the dresses that definitely stand out among the collection. "Those of you wearing big trains such as these will be a focus point for many of the pictures even if you're standing in the back or higher up the mountainside, you will be an attraction point,"

I can feel the air grow thick and see the backs around me get stiffer at her words.


"It's been way too long since you've been at the café, Noah!" Jas whines into the phone and I bite my chuckle back.

"I told you..."

"It's for protection, I know-"

"I'll ask if you can come for dinner at the guys' house, 'kay?"

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