09. Shiro, Rio, and 'him'

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We were in the usual meeting hall. Rimuru in his slime form was placed at the very end of a specially made chair, Milim sat next to him, Shuna sat next to Benimaru, Shion and Souei stood behind, Rigurd and Benimaru sat on the right.

On the other side there are me, Kaval, Ellen, Fuze, Rio, and Youm. The only one who seemed to be acting impudent was Youm. His feet went up on the table impolitely.

"Excuse me...."

Someone came into the room carrying tea for everyone. The tea is placed in the arms stacked on top of each other without losing balance.

How could he do that? We were amazed to see it. It was truly a stunning skill.

Apart from its striking appearance, I felt a little pain in my chest. At that moment I immediately realized it!

Yes, he is one of the people whose ties are connected to me here. A man who I think is still in his teens with pink hair and two white horns like Shuna. His face was smiling with his eyes remaining closed. Can he see in that condition?

Shuna's smile was often scary, but this man's smile. For some reason, there was a feeling of danger and terror.

"Please enjoy."

He didn't come out and instead took his own seat. It clearly shows that he is not just Shuna's ordinary subordinate.

After that, each of them introduced themselves except me, Ellen, Kaval, and Gido who had been in contact with them before.

"I think I'd better talk too. My name is Rimuru Tempest, and I'm the leader of this city or this nation or whatever you think. The Jura Tempest Federation is the official name. As you can see, I'm a slime!"

The only one surprised was Fuze. His eyes widened. Meanwhile, we already knew that Youm was nonchalant, showing his trivial attitude openly.

"Really?! Slime?!"

Even though Fuze had investigated beforehand and knew that the leader of this country was a slime, Fuze was still shocked after witnessing the truth.

"Hm? Is that strange? Yes, I have a bad memory. But slimes aren't all weak monsters you know... maybe."

"Eh? Does Rio-san's other world have a lot of strong slimes?"


He admitted to having a bad memory, but wasn't surprised that slimes were usually known as the weakest monsters. It seemed like he really came from the future.

In the future, unique slimes begin to appear. The exposure effect of my aura in the last battle caused many slimes to mutate. Each has its own uniqueness.

"So, Rimuru. Who are the new faces in this room?" What Kaval asked was clearly the Kijin in this room.

It's true that I've met them before, but Kaval and the others haven't because they left immediately.

Rimuru introduced them all one by one except Milim who immediately interrupted.

"I'm Milim, nice to meet you."

The introduction style is quite casual, especially for a Demon Lord who is prone to cruelty. But because of that they didn't realize that he was a Demon Lord.

Milim hasn't changed even after 100 years have passed. Yes, for him who had lived for thousands of years, comparing it with 100 years later would not be much different.

Milim is still as selfish and childish as she looks, but she is still a cute and adorable girl that everyone likes.

By the way, because Rimuru introduced them, I know the guy's name. His name is Shiro.

Rachel ( Rimuru)  of The Hero And Children's Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant