To Conceal don't feel to letting it go

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(Anna's pro). I walk down to Elsa's room and knock on the door be carful I don't burn the door, "Elsa it's time for breakfast...are you coming"? I ask leaning on the door. Elsa opens the door she's still in her blue dress, witch I'm ok with because I'm use to it by now. "Good morning Anna my dear little sister" Elsa said spinning me around in a circle.
I extend my hand out and se links my arm with her "shall we"? I ask walking to the dinning room. As we walk into the dinning room Kristof and shaven are eating pancakes,Olaf is eating ice and all is well.....not everything. You see I have a set of powers of my own, my powers are fire and smoke. But I can't tell Elsa I'm scared I'll hurt her, I wolf down my pancakes and run to my room to get changed into my brand new dress the seamstress made me, it's has orange and yellow swirls throw out the hole dress, Rubies of orange and red, long sleeve and a small train at the bottom. I pace back and forth in my room for about an hour before I her Elsa's voice, "Anna are you ok" she asked knocking. I turn around to see Elsa standing in the door way, she looked in shake then I realized my hands were glowing with fire. She walks up to me and hugs me tightly "you have powers too"? She asked letting go of me, "yes Elsa I do have powers" I say letting a smallish fire With my hands. Elsa looked at me scared as if I was going to run away like she did, we stare in each others eyes for a while, "I need some air" I say run past Elsa. I walk past the gates and then soon Arundel. I keep walking near the Forrest, i stop at the line of trees for a second then keep walking "I'm sorry Elsa" i whispered to my self "but it's for your own good". I walk up a large hill, when I get to the top of the hill I find a large patch of dirt and wet wood, "let's do this" I say releasing fire and smoke to make my fiery domaine. It takes me about 10 minutes to make the casual, it's just like Elsa's but make of fire and smoke. I walk inside my domain and sit on my thrown "home sweet home" I said to my self.

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