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Oh-oh, oh- oh Oh- oh, oh-oh And I never felt so alone, felt so alone, na-na And I never felt so alone, felt so alone, na-na And I never felt so alone, felt so alone, na-na And I never felt so alone, felt so alone, na-na
i look at myself in the mirror looking at my stomach thinking why don't i look like these models. Why did he leave me
I feel so alone. and I don't want to tell Chris and nick that I feel alone. Because maybe just maybe he wouldn't understand how I feel about myself.
In a whip (whoa), thinkin'', "what if (whoa) You and this (whoa) never existed?" Hallow kiss (whoa), bottle liquor (oh)
I smiled in the mirror thinking about the time me and Matt kissed. I smiled when back at the memory. i quickly stopped smiling once I noticed that what happened after that. i had thoughts.
I had thoughts that me and Matt never existed because of girls who are prettier than me.
i felt sick.
Man, I'm sick, man, I'm schizo All- white leather You know this man ain't shut without you in the interior ( I'm dyin' somewhere in the dark)
people always say me and Matt are together. that me and Matt are always ride or dies. I remember when once I was talking to Nick he once's told me that Matt ain't shit without me or him or his brothers.
All- white leather And I think "what if we weren't ridin' and dyin' together?"
i smiled thinking of me and Matt's date late night dates. He was wearing a white leather jacket. he looked so good. That was until someone texted me saying "Matt's cheated" I didn't believe them.
they always find a way to make it happened. but it did have me thinking if it would happened.
Did it happen?
The whole world would fall apart And I never felt so alone, felt so alone, na-na (never felt so alone, woo! Alone) And I never felt so alone, felt so alone, na-na
i felt so alone by myself knowing my relationship with Matt didn't work out. But I wished it did. i loved him.
i still do love him.
I thought you were new my best friend (my) Wish I knew better then Who knew you were just out to get me My whole world just fell apart
i always that's me and matt would last long. But he cheated. He gotten a new girlfriend after that. Chris and Nick hate her. She's a attention seeker and the fans see that too.
But once I found out his new girlfriend I felt so alone.
'Cause I never felt so alone, felt so alone, na-na I could never be more alone than when I ain't got you here.
but now that I figured out being alone isn't the worst thing. It might be the worst feeling but having Nick and Chris and the fans feeling my emotions and supporting me I couldn't feel any happier.