Chapter 7. Salem

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I grunt, slowly waking up as my eyes adjust to the light. The first thing I see is two bare feet in between mine, slowly raising my head up, I then see Bianca - yes, I had an internal battle and it came out that I can call her whatever I want in my head - only in a t-shirt, standing over me, smiling.

I stayed awake almost the whole night, only accidentally falling asleep at around five in the morning, meaning I slept for approximately four hours.

"Morning, sleepyhead. Had a nice dream?" She says, her voice soft and a little groggy from speaking right after waking up. I almost think I'm dreaming because of the light, amused look on her face before snapping out of my half asleep state.

I grunt in response, bringing my hand up and rubbing my eyes as I breathe in and out deeply. That seems to be good enough of an answer to her when her smile widens slightly and she backs away to go in the direction of the bathroom.

"Get up, brush your teeth, clean yourself up and wait for me at the door." She instructs and closes the door behind her. My brows furrow slightly.

Who does she think she is, my mother?

I think before sighing and getting off of the couch. My neck is killing me because of the uncomfortable position I fell asleep in so I stretch, looking down at myself. My shirt is wrinkled, my tie loose and messy. I rub my jaw, feeling the slightest of stubble on my face. As much as I hate to admit it, she's right, I need to clean myself up.

I head for one of the bedrooms I left my stuff in for the night and head for the spare bathroom, taking off my suit, my tie and my shirt, I look back at myself in the mirror.

There are a few visible scars on my chest and torso, reminders of who I am, who I work for and who I work with. They remind me that Bianca is my client.

I splash cold water on my face and lean on the sink, looking at the drops of water falling from my nose. My mind goes back to Bianca, her standing in front of me in only a shirt and smiling down. Her smile didn't look mocking, it didn't look degrading or anything like that. It was... Soft, like she was genuinely smiling about something while looking at me.

I snap back and splash cold water on myself again, quickly brushing my teeth and changing into a new shirt. I leave the room, feeling slightly better and I lean on the wall next to the door to Biancas room, waiting for her to come out. After a few moments she finally leaves the room.

"Finally." I say quietly as she walks past me and towards the main door, expecting me to follow, which I obviously do.

She's in a dark red pencil skirt, a black blouse and a pair of black heels. Her hair tied up into a clean, low ponytail. God, I didn't know corporate women were my type, but she sure as hell looks good in that. And I mean good. The skirt hugs her curves perfectly and I almost forget that I'm currently working until she turns her head to look at me while opening the door.

"Come along now, I hate when people walk behind me." She says, motioning for me to walk beside her. And damn me if I'm acting like a lost puppy with its owner because I do exactly what she says, walking out of the apartment as the door closes behind us and walk toe to toe with her.

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