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MAYA JAMES, twenties stands in front of a desert table, eating a chocolate covered strawberry as different guests pass her to grab food but it's like she's not even there.

Maya's parent's CURTIS JAMES and MELISSA JAMES approach her both look like picture perfects parents that you could cut out of a magazine.

CURTIS-Now MJ you cant stand over here all night...David is about to give his toast.

MELISSA-And sweetie is that one of your designs you're wearing? It's a nice dress but we don't want to take any attention off your sister now.

MELISSA-And sweetie is that one of your designs you're wearing? It's a nice dress but we don't want to take any attention off your sister now

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Maya forces a smile trying not to roll her eyes.

MAYA-I was just grabbing a dessert Ma to have while I listen to the speech.

MAYA (V.O.)Translation I want to spend the least amount of time with you people as possible....oh that's right you guys are new here. My family is well...


MAYA (V.O.) Things started off great me and my parents had the best system ever. I was like their little princess who could never do anything wrong.

SFX: DING! MAYA as a kid blowing out birthday candles that reads the number three. CURTIS AND MELISSA standing behind her cheering her on.

MAYA (V.O.) I mean come on look at those cheeks. (touched) so adorable. (normal voice) life was great  until...

SFX: DING! MAYA is blowing out candles on birthday cake that reads the number five. This time Melissa has a pregnant belly and Curtis is rubbing her belly with joy. Melissa THROWS UP on the cake mid blow.

MAYA (V.O.)That there is the first memory of my annoyingly perfect little sister...


Maya's sister MARIAH JAMES early twenties glides perfectly across the floor towards them smiling.

MAYA (V.O.) That is my sister Mariah and no your eyes aren't deceiving you she's really that perfect.

INSERT: CLIPS of MARIAH AND MAYA throughout their childhood. Maya going through awkward preteen stages while Mariah is the total opposite aging perfectly at each stage.

MAYA (V.O.)  My sister has never had a bad day in her life.

INSERT: CLIPS of MARIAH crushing it at school over the years: winning spelling bee's to homecoming queen to class valedictorian.

MAYA (V.O.)Pretty amazing right? She's like the Beyoncé of everything she does and me well I do pretty okay but let's just say I always end up getting pretty distracted.

INSERT: CLIPS of MAYA doing the absolute complete opposite: running late to class with a notebook full of unorganized papers. Not valedictorian of her class but she has the most stylish graduation cap and so many different students coming up to her to say goodbye.

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