Moxxie honestly misses this.

Relax as they listen to the hooves hitting the ground. The feel of the wind and the warmth coming off the mane. Just to even feel this powerful beast muscle underneath them as they just gallop away. Their scarf, coat and their ponytail being lifted up from the wind. Fluttering like a banner. Bombproof neighing in excitement to be free. Be able to run again.

Maria tries to ride Bombproof as much she can. Can be physically demanding. Moxxie will, when using the portal, do as much they can. Just never a far distance.

Now here they are running in the dusty landscape of nature. The both of them together.

All of this running to go to visit the vet.

Moxxie pat Bombproof neck. "Faster Bomb?"

Bombproof neighs as their eyes glowing like their mane.

"That's big yes." Moxxie smile widened and patted again. "Go right ahead!"

Bombproof gladly did just that.

Soon, the pair arrived in town. Goes to the vet clinic connected to a decent size barn. Check Bombproof in. Moxxie getting the reins off them. Shown which fence to put them in and wait. Paper work too since Bombproof came to this one once when they were younger for a visit.

Bombproof is already terrifying the helpers as they wait in the fence gate.

"They'll be fine." Moxxie outside leaning against the fence. Just finished signing a few papers on a clipboard as they read them over. While looking over other papers from past vets that Bombproof went to see.

Striker was very organized on that.

Eyes sadden a little. Push it back to focus back on track. While ignoring a helper that got kicked over the fence. Move their head a bit as Bombproof lean over the fence and nip their horse." Yes, yes, I'm such a bad guardian worrying about your health."

Bombproof neighs like they are agreeing with them.

"Drama King."

The fiery horse purposely knocks their glasses off.

"Jerk." Twitch at the horse as they move away. At that point Bombproof started to act well wild.

Like not if danger was approaching. Or ready to tear someone head up. It was a little confusing as it sounded like excitement? Or messing with them like they were laughing at them. But Moxxie kind of picked what the horses 'laugh' was like. So, what was going on?

Small confusion as their eyes narrowed. Put the clipboard, and the other paperwork, in their arms to be held.

A pair of boots came into their view.

A hand reaches down to pick their glasses up. Were they cleaning them? The glasses were offered to them. Blinka bit as they reach at to take them back. Put them on as they look up. "Thank- "

Drop the paperwork.

A dark gray duster trench coat. A dusty brown shirt with a dark gray vest underneath. Dark brown pants. The coat was close but did open up to see two belts with holsters holding pistols. Dark brown leather boots. A dirty red bandana covered their face. A gray-sun hat lifted up a bit to not see their horns in time. Strands of ivory hair that look longer. Bright yellow eyes with green spirals look down at them.

Open their mouth about to say something. Until a gloved hand covered their mouth fast. Their eyes widen as they watch the other eyes looking around. Observing? Then they shook their head no. Then help them off the ground. Pull their hand away fast when a pair of feet approach.

"Is the paperwork done?" The vet asked Moxxie.

Moxxie look at the vet. Then back to the figure petting Bombproof. Their serpent eyes look content, tired but very pleased. Bombproof trying to nip their horns. That earn annoyed grunt but still pet them.

"Mo- "

"Here." Put the clipboard to their chest.

"All right will get to checking them up and-I don't remember? You a new helper?" The vet looks at the one petting Bombproof.

Moxxie watch how they pulled away to walk to the Vet. Stare to see their back along with a familiar tail. Not sure what they were doing as they blocked the view. But when they step to the side the vet looks a bit shaken.

"R-Right carry on! Um Moxxie will get Bombproof checkup right up. Just if you like to come back in a hour or two."

Open and close their mouth. One wanting to stay for Bombproof stake. But two. What the fuck going on? Their hand was suddenly grabbed by the other. Practically being dragged away. Stumble a bit from their footing. Next, the thing they see looks like a storage building. Push inside the building fast. Turn to see them had their head out the door. Until they pull back inside. Close the door firmly. Then turn to look at them.

Pure silence.

The taller one walk up to Moxxie as they just stood, they're with a wide eye look. Stop close to arm length apart. Reach out to their face. Stop a few seconds. Then pull the bandana down.

It was Striker.

He looks like he has gotten a bit older. It wasn't bad. He just looks like he just been outside a lot than usual. Either from the physical change, how dusty the clothes look. Even the hair was wild. The black mustache is a bit unkept. A familiar smirk starts to spread to see sharp teeth with that gold tooth.

"You look like crap Critter."

But still the same smug asshole.

"Is that some gray I'm seeing or just a new aesthetic look Rattles?"

Striker lunges out to pick Moxxie up. Lift them up high against the wall. To be close to eye level. Reach out to lower that scarf down to see the rest of their face. Their lips finally met after months of separation.

Moxxie wrapped their arms around their neck. Their ivory hair indeed grew a bit past their shoulders and wild. The smaller of the two pulled the bigger one against him.

Striker had one hand holding a smaller face. Just caressed and touched their cheeks. The other arm was wrapped firmly around them. Not letting go of them as he held them against the wall. Striker fingers tighten in possessive grip. Keep them right here with him.

Until they both had to pull away for air.

The two pull away gasping for air. While keeping their gazes locked on to the other.

Moxxie pulls them back to just hold them. Their faces pressed to the side of their neck. Doesn't even care if their glasses could break. Or how the make-up could be smudged up.

He is alive.

He is alive.

Fuck, he was alive.

He is not dead.

He not locks up.

Unaware their tail just wagging. Try to reach over to reach their own. As if they knew his tail rattles uncontrollably. Began to coil around the tail. Tight but not uncomfortable.

Striker let out a pleased hiss as he rests his chin on top of their head. Kept them close to be held. Just relax in their hug. While they ran their fingerless gloved claws in the white locks. Nuzzle parts of their hair along with the horns. 

"I'm here. I'm here my Critter."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


That right! Look who we got to see each other again! Along with making sure to insult the other. Gotta loves it.

Verosika and her crew got to watch out.

The helpers should be all right with Bombproof.

Will see about a drawing soon of their current look.

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye!

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