Chapter 31: I forever love this trio, like no joke.

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3rd perspective

"There must be a hint somewhere" Karube said as their time began to slowly tick away.

"First, we went into this building."

"Stop this!" Shibuki shouted, panicking already.

"Then, the elevator took us-" "I can't do this!" Arisu shouted in a frustrated tone as he got up to try and get away from the pressure. (Same)

"Don't give up, Arisu! We can't reset!" Karube shouted

"It's Impossible!" Arisu cried

"I can't do this anymore" Chota was panicking as Y/N tried to console him.

"I'M TELLING YOU TO THINK! I've been working my ass off while you were just playing games!" Karube snapped

'Well, this got personal real quick.' Y/N thought.

"What does that have to do with this? You only know how to beat people up. What makes you so big?!" Arisu cried out.

'Oh shit' Y/N looked at both of the males, wishing that they had something to snack on.

"Well, I'm sorry about that!" Karube swung his fist into contact with Arisu's face, making him fall onto the floor.

"Stop that!" Chota held Karube back from punching Arisu more. Arisu suddenly realized what the solution could be.

'Oh, did he finally realise the solution? Just by that punch?' Y/N thought as they stared at him concerned for him.

"Wait a minute," Arisu said standing up making the people in the room confused by his sudden movement.

"What's the matter, Arisu?" Chota asked worriedly.

[Thirty seconds remaining]

"BMW 523d." He uttered.


"It was a BMW 523d" Arisu repeated.

"So?" Karube questioned, Arisu paused for a moment as if he was in thought before he spoke.

"It's 'die'" Arisu stated matter-of-factly.

"How do you know that?" Shibuki asked.

[Ten seconds remaining]

"I'll open the door" Arisu rushed to the 'die' door.

"Arisu! Are you sure the answer is 'die'?" Karube asked.

"Please" Arisu uttered to himself as he barged through the door, he was still standing. Y/N quickly went through the door along with everyone. The room that they were in burst into flames as Karube slammed the door quickly before one of the flames could touch them.

[The time limit in this room is 1 minute and 30 seconds]

"Arisu, how did you know it was 'die'?" Y/N asked, pretending not to know how he did it.

"The length of the BMW 523d is four metres long and ninety-four centimetres. There was one parked outside here. The length of the building is equivalent to four of those cars. That means that the building is approximately 20 metres in length."

"My feet are 28 centimetres long." He began to count how many steps that would get him across the room.

"It should be around six metres." He calculated. He suddenly turned to Y/N.

"Y/N, you took a photo of the evacuation map, right? Could you show it to me?" Y/N nodded and showed a picture of the evacuation map. He gently took the phone from their grasp.

Comfort food (Alice In Borderland x gender neutral reader) TEMPORARILY ON HOLDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora