And just as he took his next step, the world crumbled around him, literally. "F-faster Jisung!" A girl's voice screamed out and Jeongin fell through the floor, the world around him dissolving into thin nothings as he continued to fall. Fall deep into the bright white, only to shoot up with wide eyes from his bed.

   Sweat lined his forehead and his breathing was heavy as he hastily looked around the room, sighing when he realised he was back at his home, his soft bed right under him and the music playing in the background welcomed him back.

   Jeongin groaned to himself as he fell back onto the mattress, his mind clouded with nothing but relief.

It was a just dream.

   "Hyung!" Jisung happily screamed out, running up to the all too familiar house and crushing his brother into a tight high. "Hello to you too, Jisung-ah," Sungho chuckled out, for one happy to see his younger brother but also already bothered by his touchiness.

   "Haven't changed much, I see." The younger scuffed, accidentally stepping onto the other's foot. "Aish! Sung!" A wide grin adoring his face, Han stormed into the house—as the door was left open.

   Sungho scoffed, his black hair falling into his eyes, "Just wait 'till I get back at you!" He yelled after his brother, before stepping fully outside to greet his mother.

   Meanwhile, Jisung was at a loss of words, as he looked around his childhood home, all the memories he created here suddenly came crashing down. He took the right to the kitchen and saw his father standing against the kitchen counter, looking at his phone.

   The grin he held before, adored his lips once again. "Guess who's back," He beamed, seeing his father look up from his phone at the familiar voice. "Jisung! Oh, you've grown so much my son." "Stop it already, Dad," The brunette shook his head before walking over to the adult he adored so much, the adult that meant his life to him, and engulfed him in a hug for a short second.

   "It's good to be back, the drive was so worth it." He sighed out, before stepping away, finally catching up on the smell of the house. "Oh, are you baking?" The muscular male hummed, "The cake's almost done. But no snacking son! It's for tomorrow." Jisung whined to himself, "Fine, fine."

   Silence settled between them,  as Jisung took the opportunity to look at the oven, a bit disappointed not to see cheesecake. "No cheesecake?" He asked in a whisper, but his father heard him, already expecting this kind of reaction. "I need to go to the bakery tomorrow, got a morning shift, I can get you a slice if you're that desperate." "Make two out of that," the brunette grinned up to his father, innocently, but the older only shook his head before shooing the boy away.

   "I need to get the cake out."

   The rest of the evening was quiet, unlike the following day. All of the family's close friends gathered in the house, laughing, talking, snapping photos and most importantly, enjoying the delicious feast served.

   Jisung enjoyed the company of everyone. Compared to his usual anxious state in crowded places, this was different, he felt at ease and relaxed, because he knew none of these people would ever think of him badly.

   "Jiho Noona, let's take pictures!" He voiced out excitedly. He, Sungho and Jiho were sitting in the family's backyard, drinking wine and enjoying themselves, when Jisung got the brilliant idea to take pictures. 

   The two young adults stood up from the bench they were sitting on and Jisung fished his phone out of his back pocket, reading himself to take some pictures. "What about me? That's literally my girlfriend, Ji." The college student's older brother voiced out in fake disapproval, he knew his brother wouldn't dare lay a hand on his lover—even though he just pulled her closer by the waist.

   "Then join us, Hyung," The boy stuck his tongue out before snapping a quick picture, phone high up in the sky, making the two of them look stupid from the angle. Jiho laughed softly, walking over to her boyfriend and pulling him into the frame. "C'mon Oppa, don't be a party pooper." "You get me Noona."

   And so, the three of them stood together in the green backyard, the sun shining down on them and clouds hiding away from one's eye. Everything was perfect, yet the brunette missed his own lover, as he watched his brother and said male's girlfriend kiss for a photo. "Stop making me feel lonely."

   The couple exchanged glances before bursting into laughter, making Jisung sulk. The boy looked at his phone, still no answer from Jeongin.

   Key rustling echoed through the decent-sized apartment, as Han unlocked the door back to his lover—the boy he's missed all day, and night. "I'm back!" He excitedly screamed into the open room, his voice echoing back to him from the walls.

   Jeongin poked his head around the corner, smiling lightly, "How was it?" And proceeded to walk towards the other—or at least that's what the older thought. "It was great, I had lots of fun." "I thought so.." The other muttered under his breath, turning to walk into his room, "I'm a bit sleepy, I'll go to bed."

"Oka-" The door closed. What was up with him?

a/n: 20k words reached ❤️

big thank you to my friend Aino [ @xixohllr234 ] for helping me come up with some more drama for this book <33 love ya

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