Quick Hero's Background

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Meet the new hunky hero that will capture your hearts in my new romance novel - Hearts and Bullets: The Woman In The Book Cover!

Note: this novel is written using the hero's POV so let's get to know him!

Name: Maxim Yushchenko
Nationality: Ukrainian-American
Age: 36
Height: 6 ft.
Profession: Ship Captain
Endearing characteristics: very patriotic and loyal to his homeland

Quick Hero's Background

In the coastal town of Odessa, Ukraine, Maxim Yushchenko, a ruggedly handsome sailor with a heart loyal to his homeland, was born and raised in a close-knit Ukrainian family

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In the coastal town of Odessa, Ukraine, Maxim Yushchenko, a ruggedly handsome sailor with a heart loyal to his homeland, was born and raised in a close-knit Ukrainian family. Maxim's pride for his nationality runs deep, instilled by tales of valor from his ancestors. As a sailor, the vastness of the ocean was his calling, and he devoted his life to safeguarding his country's maritime interests.

Yet fate had a different course for Maxim when he crossed paths with Helen, a spunky Filipina whose magnetic spirit captured his heart, in a random island down the Pacific that he'd docked for the first time. Helen, with her vivacious energy and enthralling charm, struck a chord in his soul, challenging his convictions and stirring emotions he had never known. Their passionate encounter blossomed amidst the tumultuous times of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, a love that transcended borders and cultures.

Despite the searing passion he'd felt for the first time, Maxim was torn between his patriotic duty and his heart's desires. With the war's impact devastating Ukraine's population, the pressure to contribute to the nation's recovery weighed heavily on him. He had to make his own contribution, especially that he wasn't making the utmost sacrifice a Ukrainian could do for his homeland - fight in the frontline against the invaders. The responsibility to marry a fellow Ukrainian and help repopulate his country after the war gnawed at his conscience.

Conflicted and torn between love and duty, Maxim faced a dilemma that would test the depths of his new found love for Helen and his commitment to his homeland. A journey of heart-wrenching decisions and self-discovery awaited him, as he grappled with the true meaning of love, loyalty, and sacrifice in the midst of a world at war.

Guys, I need a visual representation for Maxim for RPG, etc., so please comment your suggestions below! I will be going through your suggestions of models and celebrities and I will pick the one that best represent his persona and character. Thank you! 😘😘😘

Note: This is a work of fiction. The novel's story and characters are fictitious. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and historical anecdotes are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary.

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