2 the queen of green visits theVail

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It had been 2 year since the lady Royce death Reina 10 nameday right around the corner and Reina was training in the courtyard she train everyday or at least 5 hours she was petrified about what she seen that day she had never told anyone how would she many just believe that the her mother had just fallen off her horse it was not uncommon for people to die hunting but Reina knew what really happened that day Damon Targaryen had come to kill her mother not to be with his wife not to be with his daughter although Reina  believe Damon did not know about her not because she wanted to defend him because if he had killed her mother he would have killed her too either he was an idiot because he didn't know about her or he was a fool to let her live unlike many Reina knew her destiny to kill that bastard who she had once called father it took her a year but she had grown well with the sword she wanted to learn to use every weapon she could think of  she wanted to be able to kill that bastard no matter what weapon she could use almost every weapon crossbow spear  ax of course that wasn't to say she was good at it there were some weapons that sure she could hurt somebody with but she could never kill because well she was horrible at it she was great in swords and poisons but she was horrible at a spear she was decent at the ax and she could at least kill someone with a crossbow although she didn't like having to refill it she like that with a sword you could just swing but she had officially finished her training and now was on her way to her Chambers and ready for her name's day her maid Kiara was probably her best friend when her mother had just died Kiara was kind of like an older sister someone to comfort her and she could know that she didn't want nothing in return she could still remember that day in Forest clinging to her mother's dead body but she push the thought to the back of her head she walked into her chambers You're late Kiara said her hands on her hips sorry sorry I said putting my hands up in the air in a defeated motion I got caught up with training you say that every time You're late now come you need to bathe before your name's day All right I said slipping out of my dress ouch I said it's cold I shivered well it wouldn't have been cold if you had been on time now here let me do your hair have you picked out a dress for me I said nope not this time someone sending you a dress you guess who it is who My uncle THE QUEEN YOU IDIOT ow ow You're hurting My ears I put my hands to my ears The queen's coming to my name's Day her and like the entire royal family the entire royal family my heart starts to be faster than I like to admit she was coming so would demon you don't think he'll be there right oh not Damon just Queen and her children he's with Lena Valerian and her daughters in pentos well let's see the dress l said

It had been 2 year since the lady Royce death Reina 10 nameday right around the corner and Reina was training in the courtyard she train everyday or at least 5 hours she was petrified about what she seen that day she had never told anyone how woul...

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hightower fucking Green yep hightower Green what the actual fuck do I have to wear it yeah the Queen sent it Kiara gave me an isn't that obvious look you better get going by the way they'r probably going to be at the docs soon shit I picked up the light green dress and plain white pair of heels and ran for it now I was waiting at the docks when will they be here I spoke
turning to my uncle they will be here soon if you say so I said rolling my eyes The ship finally arrived out came first The Lady Allison hightower  Lord Royce she said to my uncle my Queen you must be reina yes you Grace I curtsy you need not be so formal I am your aunt by marriage after all yes my Aunt of course I had not known Damon even had a daughter it seemed he had tried to hide you so he could give himself some false claim to the veil you can practically hear the hatred in her voice Reina thought enough of this talk I'm sure you will want to meet my children she looked at her three children signaling for them to introduce themselves yes yes we understand mother I am the first born Prince aegon Targaryen well he is clearly drunk l thought with rolling my eyes he kissed her hand Reina was worried he would fall over she quickly took her hand away and move to the princess who looked about her age hello
l'm princess Helena it is a pleasure to meet you cousin she said with a faint smile the pleasure is all mine princess  she walked to the last Prince she curtsey to him
l'm Prince aemond he said not making eye contact with her You're Grace the hour has grown late Reina you should show The princess Helena to her room of course Uncle come princess when we were in the hallway so what brings your family to the Vail  Helena gave her a confused look for many different reasons she did not say it in a bad way she generally just seemed confused Right l said 
is the Vail as beautiful as they say she spoke
it is very beautiful although I'm sure it does not compete to the Red keep
the red keep is too noisy well if you wish for quietness the garden would be a good place her face lit up that would be lovely you will join me won't you she said smiling if it please you princess please call me Helena dear cousin putting her head on my shoulder Reina was happy at least one of the Queens children liked her


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