Chapter Eleven

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(*The next day, Emily gets discharged from the hospital, and the doctors and nurses prescribed her medication to treat the burn marks and another medication to relieve the pain*)

Vinnie: You're welcome to stay and help take care of Emily, Michael. Since Paul isn't here at the moment to bark out orders at us.

Michael Jackson: Thank you. I really appreciate your kindness.

Suzy: Emily said that she went to go take a nap in the guest room that you're staying in.

Michael Jackson: Oh! *blushes* She did?

Vixen91: *giggles at Michael's blushing* Are you feeling shy?

Michael Jackson: Yes...*giggles* ☺️ It's just that I haven't slept in the same bed with a woman since Emily's pregnancy with Anubis. But I don't mind at all. She's a sweet girl. 😊

KellerSinger91: *giggles* Well, we should probably get Emily's stuff together and take it to the guest room.

Vixen91: Are you sure that you're gonna be okay with this Vinnie?

Vinnie: *smiles* Of course. It doesn't bother me at all. Besides, I know that Michael will be a good help with taking care of Emily. Plus, he has a better understanding of dealing with things like this than I do.

Suzy: Yeah! 😁 Emily helped Michael once, so now it's his turn to do the same.

(*One hour later...*)

Michael Jackson: *sees the pajamas that the girls brought for Emily* Gosh...*blushes*

Suzy: *looks up at Michael* Michael, you doing okay over there? *giggles*

Michael Jackson: Um...🤭 I didn't think she would have so much stuff.

Suzy: Well, yeah! She's a grown woman, so of course she might have lots of lace underwear, lingerie, and stuff like that.

Michael Jackson: W-what? Did you say l-lingerie?? Oh God...*blushes even further and covers his eyes with his hands shyly*

KellerSinger19: Michael, chill out, you silly goofball! 😹

Michael Jackson: Wow..she's really grown up, hasn't she? *blushes even further* 😊

Me: *walks in being careful about my injured left arm which is covered in bandages* Hi everyone!

KellerSinger19: Hey Emily! How are you feeling?

Me: I still have pain from the burn marks on my left arm, but it goes for a while after I take medication. Other than that, I can do everything else just fine, and my bandages are water-proof, so I don't have to remove them when I take a shower or bath.

Vixen91: We're glad to hear that.

Me: Michael, you like my girly stuff, don't you? *playfully smirks* 😉

Michael Jackson: Yes, they're nice to look at that.

Me: Even my lingerie? *giggles*

Michael Jackson: W-what?? No, I didn't mean it like that!

Me: Aw, I'm just messin' with ya. *walks over to Michael and kisses him on the cheek* But I really appreciate you sharing the guest bedroom with me since it's closer to the bathroom and if I need anything, then everyone else can hear.

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