Chapter 3: 𝓦𝓱𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻..?

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I didn't really want to get up today but I had to. It's my first day at this stupid academy and of course Miles goes to this academy. I packed my bags and other essentials knowing that there are dorms in this academy. After I packed, I went downstairs to be met with the sight of Miles wearing his uniform with his mom right next to him. Why was he here..?

"Oh! Lilith! Oh you look so cute in that uniform! Doesn't she, mijo?"

Miles and I made eye contact again, this time he was staring. I swear I thought I saw a light tint of pink on his face but I could be dreaming. Miles nodded in response to his mother's question.

"Oh uh, your Aunt had to handle some things at her job, so she told me to drop you off with Miles"

"Oh that's alright. I guess.."

"Miles sweetie..Please be a dear and help Lilith with her bags"

I watched Miles grab the bags that were in my hands, I was kinda expecting him to snatch it but he didn't. He was gentle when he grabbed the bags, our hands brushed against each other. We all headed down to the car, Miles put my bags in the trunk and sat down in the backseat next to me. I glanced at him, Miles put on his headphones and started blasting music.

Once we got to the school, Rio gave us the goodbye and said she'll see us Friday. Miles led me to the front office where I could get checked in to a dorm and other classes. I went up some steps to a dorm and I heard loud music. I opened the door and saw a girl with blond but black hair reaching from her scalp. She had neutral colored dyed hair and she was wearing her school uniform while jamming out to some music. She noticed me and gave me the peace sign

"Yo I'm Gwen Stacy. You must be my new roommate, huh?"

"Yea I am. The name is Lilith Greeves."

"Sick name dude. What classes you got?"

"English, AP Physics, Spanish, and PE"

"Holy shit! We got the same classes, that's gotta be lucky. Let's go, new girl. We can't be late to class. I'll even let you sit next to me."

Even if it was my first day at this school. I already made a friend. Gwen seemed like the type to get in trouble but at least she's honest. As we walked to Spanish class, she tells me all the rumors about other classmates and how she hates some of the teachers. Not gonna lie, I think she's pretty cool.

Once we get into class, Miles immediately eyed me down. Gwen saw us making eye contact and gave Miles the finger. She dragged me to her seat in the back and kicked up her feet. Does Miles and Gwen hate each other? Do they have history of such? Wait..did they use to date?! Maybe I should ask Gwen after class.

"Now can anyone tell me what Pencil means in Spanish?"

The teacher asked the class as she looked around. No one committed to raising their hand, well except for Miles but the teacher waved him off which caused him to grunt. That made me giggle a little, he looked backed at me and smirked. Gwen, however, threw a paper ball at him said:

"Look away from here, jackass!"

"Oh shut up Gwenny, your just mad that I—"


"Stacy and Morales! Both of you to the principal's office immediately!"


"White bitch.."

Is what I heard from both of them as they both left the classroom. So they do have history..I wonder what's wrong with both of them..

Class ended and I went onto AP Physics class.


(Ooooo~ Gwen and Miles have some beef 👀- did they date or did they ever have such bad history on each other? Who knows. Btw I'm sorry I abandoned this book. Been busy.)

(If you look at the top. That picture is suppose to be Gwen Stacy in Earth 42.)

"𝓦𝓮 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝓘𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻.."Where stories live. Discover now