"Chapter Sixteen"

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The next day, it was the day. The dames had helped with my dress and style my hair. I was ready.

"Alice." Grand mère spoke.

"Yes, grand mère?"

She would put something over my arm.

"What's this?"

Grand–mère would warmly smile for a moment.

"You see, this was one of the many things your mother wore on her wedding day. She also wants you to have this."

I didn't know grand mère was holding onto my mother's belongings. She held a note and a empty picture book.

Dear Alice,

By the time you're reading this, you're about to be married to someone you love and makes you special. I know I can't be there to watch my little Alice walk down the aisle and marry someone who makes her feel loved and important. But this bracelet would be my way of being there... watching and supporting and loving you, my child.

And the picture book I had your grand mère given to you — it's another way to tell your story for the generations to come. I can't wait to hear it someday...

Until then, I hope your day is special because you are special and lucky to be wed to someone who loves you, will take care of you until death, and supports you. I'm proud of you, my little Alice.



I couldn't help to break down. I looked through and most had pictures of my mother, my father, including my grandparents and it only stopped to when there was a picture of my mother being pregnant.

"Come on now, Alice. Let's not ruin your makeup." Manon responded as I nodded.

A knock was on the door, signaling it was time. I took a deep breath as my father was waiting outside.
I can tell Father was teary eyed as he saw me.

"My little Alice... you look so beautiful." He said softly.

I smiled. I would take him by the arm as we walked together through the chapel and into the room where the song began to play. Most of the royal family was here as well Manon and Beau's family. But my eyes met Jack. It almost as if I'm reliving that night where he attended to dinner. He was watching, smiling and looking right back with loving eyes. Soon I made it to the end, I grabbed Jack's hands.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today..." I tuned out looking at Jack.

"You're so beautiful, my lady..." Jack quietly whispered.

I blushed some.

"And so who giveth this woman?"

"I do," Father spoke as he would then walk towards his seats.

A little boy would come bearing the rings. Jack and I exchanged rings.

"Jack Dawson, do you take Alice Susan Kennedy to have and to hold, through sickness and through health, as your wedded wife?"

"I do." Jack said without any hesitation and just was smiling widely.

"Alice Susan Kennedy, do you take Jack Dawson to have and to hold, through sickness and through health, as your husband?"

"I do." I responded happily.

"By the powers vested in me, I may pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Jack pulled my veil up and pulled me close and we had a quick kiss as everyone cheered. I couldn't now be more happier to now be his bride.


His Muse || Jack Dawson X OC **Completed**Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum